His home, His people

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Avadh removed his coat and dropped it into the laundry basket. He saw Iker going into the balcony. There was a beautiful garden beneath, a stream flowing next to it and then the wild woods.

"For the first time, you will go in there only when I accompany you. It is a bit tricky," said Avadh.

Iker snorted but nodded.

"Only because I don't want to cause you a political conflict," said Iker.

Iker was surprised when maids accompanied some workers with the luggage. They bowed to him and left.

Iker opened one bag and pulled out some casual wear. He has forgotten the time he has used them last. His days had been full of work that he has rarely had use of them. This collection itself was Hale's doing. The thought of Hale made him sigh. He waited for Avadh to come out.

Avadh was wearing a light blue t-shirt and gym pant. Iker snorted at the simplicity of it and not condescendingly. Avadh walked into his closet and took a new towel and threw it to Iker.

Iker scoffed but entered Avadh's bathroom. It was spacious and well, excellent. It smelled like him.

Once he had a nice long bath, he got out and looked at Avadh who was waiting as he went through some files.

"Let's go," said the King.

Iker followed him down the stairs. They had dinner with the family. Once done with the food, Iker felt a hand on his arm. It was Ma. She was smiling at him.

"Is there anything you need? Are you comfortable?" she asked.

"Yes, Thank you," said Iker.

"Avadh can be an idiot sometimes. But you can talk to me if you need anything at all," said Ma.

Iker nodded.

"Tomorrow, I will show you around and introduce the extended family to you," she said.

"Okay. Thank you," said Iker.

"You are our son now, don't ever thank me for anything again," said Ma and smiled and left.

Avadh was in a conversation with some of the family members. Then he looked at Iker. They went back to the suite.

He groaned as he saw Avadh was about to lay down on the left side of the bed.

"That is my side of the bed," said Iker.

Avadh sighed but took the other side. Obviously, he was not going to sleep so soon after dinner but was going through some documents.

Iker was silent. He was looking out onto the night.

"You won't be going to the woods without me, and your first time going there won't be at night," said Avadh, in a matter of fact tone.

"You are not my keeper," said Iker.

"I may not be your's but I am the keeper of these woods," said Avadh.
Iker grumbled. He did not realise when he fell asleep. He woke with a start when there was movement on the bed.

Avadh was keeping the files away, his head leaned towards the west side as if he was listening for something.

"What is it?" asked Iker.

"Nothing, just a distress call from far west, you go back to sleep," said Avadh as he opened the door and Iker saw the pack following, at least some of them as Avadh rushed out the door.

Iker felt his heart beating faster. He felt his knees go weak as he saw Avadh leave his line of vision. Avadh could feel the pain too. He was feeling his mate's anxiety. He wanted to run back, but he kept going. His people came first. Always.

Iker was silent as he sat near Ma who was also distressed.

"He will be fine. I- I can feel if, well, I can feel everything that happens with him," said Iker.

"Even before you bonded? That's not even heard of my child," she said slowly and smiled.

"You know what, anyway we are going to wait for my son, So I will start giving you the lessons I have to as your mother in law. We will start with the history of this family and kingdom," she smiled.

Iker nodded. And so Iker heard the stories of a hundred generations, the family line, the legacy and the duties.

"Once you bond and become the head along with Avadh, you will have to know all this. Please bear with me son, I know it is boring after five minutes," said Ma

Iker cracked a small smile.

That was how Avadh found them three hours later, still discussing history when he got back from the woods.

Iker looked at him, more like inspected him with eyes as if he were a specimen and turned to Ma.

"I will be off then, thank you, good night," said Iker

Ma nodded and she looked at Avadh who just nodded his head and then they both went up.

Avadh was silent. Iker just laid down on the bed and kept the silence too.

"It was a rogue pack, we have around 500 in the southern region alone. They attacked a village and well, the pack head let out the distress call. They had a couple of Silleroos too" said Avadh when the silence became deafening.

"You are taking me to the woods tomorrow. I don't care if you have to put the planet back on its axis, you are going to do that or I am going in there," said Iker.

"You can't start dic- "

"I can hear them too. The moment I said I will bloody come with you, I can hear them. Not the distress signals, but I can feel the pain and destruction," snapped Iker.

Avadh sighed. He knew there was no other option. If Iker can hear them, the alpha in him won't be able to sit back and listen for long. He will run in.

"Okay," said Avadh after some time.

"Good," said Iker and then when Avadh looked, Iker was softly snoring and Avadh saw his hand firmly clutched on his pillow.

Avadh moved it from his hand and laid down after placing it under his head. Then he felt Iker's hand on his shirt. It was firm. It was the scent. He knew Iker needed the reassurance, though the chances of him being aware of grabbing Avadh closer in sleep is negligible. Avadh moved the hair from Iker's face and then switched off the lights.

A pic of Avadh with less thickness to his beard

Okay, so please tell me what you all feel about this..!☺️

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