Chapter 12 - "I'm such a fangirl!"

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"Hey Chaeng!" Lisa practically yelled into her phone while she was still in the cab.

"Hey Lisaaaa!" Chaeyoung yelled back. "What happened? Are you okay? Is everything alright? Do you know how to get back?" Chaeyoung bombarded Lisa with questions.

"Oh, Chaeng! Calm down, I'm fine! I'm getting back to the hotel, I'm in a cab!" Lisa smiled, she felt happy she had such a caring friend.

"Oh, okay... Are you hungry? I was just about to order some food to be brought to our room."

"Chaeng, I love you!" Lisa responded with a grin on her face.

"I love you too, Lisa. I'll order us the food then!"

"And some water, please!"

"No problem!"

"Thank you, Chaeng, see you soon!"

"See you soon!" They both hung up and Lisa was smiling once more. Food. Food. Food. Imma eat some fooood. I can't wait for the fooood. I can't wait to talk to Chaeng and to tell her everything and to ask her how her day was. Lisa sang in her head.

Soon she was at the hotel. She paid her driver and went inside to her and Chaeyoung's room.

As soon as she got into the room, the smell of food hit her nostrils and she was already happy.

"Lisa!" Chaeyoung was excited while munching her food. She stood up and hugged Lisa while asking her to sit with her so that they could eat in peace.

"Oh! I'm not even going to take a shower, that's how hungry I am!" Lisa said with a smile.

"I want to talk to you about everything, but can we eat first?" Chaeyoung said while eating.

"Of course, yes." They ate in silence, enjoying the food since they both had a busy and an exhilarating day. After they were done, they sat on the couch while watching some TV. They were both breathing heavily from all the food they just ate.

"Give me a second." Chaeyoung spoke silently.

"No, no... Take your time." They both chuckled. After a while, Chaeyoung felt lighter and she sat up excited, wanting to know what happened to Lisa today.

"No, come on, I wanna hear about your day." Lisa pleaded.

"And you will, but it's not every day you meet someone as famous as Jennie Kim." Chaeyoung insisted. After a couple of more retorts from Lisa, she finally gave in and started to tell the story.

"Don't leave out any detail." Chaeyoung said, her face brightening up. Then Lisa went on to describe everything that happened that day. Every so often, Chaeyoung would comment with "Wow!" or a "No way". She was very happy for Lisa and they both were getting more and more excited as Lisa went on.

"SHE HUGGED YOU?! YOU OFFERED HER A HUG AND SHE HUGGED BACK?!" Chaeyoung was yelling throughout the room. They both giggled.

"No, this I don't believe. She added you on social media? Come on! I mean, I believe you, but-"

"But you want me to show you some proof? Trust me, I would have shown it to you even if you didn't ask." Lisa proceeded to show all the social media platforms Jennie added Lisa on. They were both screaming from the excitement.

"Oh, and later, I will be sending her all the photographs I took today because she said she wanted to have them. She even said she would post OUR photograph on her social media accounts with the caption "I love my fans!"!"

"That is so amazing! I can't even handle this anymore!" Chaeyoung responded and then continued:

"And then you can post that same photo, but with the caption "I'm such a fangirl!"!" They both laughed at that.

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now