Chapter 19 - Working on "Old Lisoo"

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"Oh no!" Lisa said in a slightly panicky voice in the morning.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo grumbled, still sleepy and unaware of her surroundings.

Lisa turned away from Jisoo to pick up her phone:

"Oh... I forgot to tell Chaeyoung that I came home safe last night."

"You'll text her later..." Jisoo said in her sleepy voice. She then turned around to hug Lisa from behind and snuggled against her.

Ohhh! Sleepy Jisoo is the best Jisoo! Look at how peaceful she is while she's hugging me. And she's so warm. I could... I could... fall asleep again... This is so nice... and cozy...

Lisa put away her phone because Jisoo's hug was warming her up and made her feel sleepy again. She put Jisoo's arm around her waist and drifted back to sleep. A smile was visible on both of their faces.

After a few moments of peace, Lisa's eyes widened. Oh no! She thought, what time is it? I have a lecture, I can't miss it. She picked up her phone so that Jisoo wouldn't notice and looked at the time. Oh, I still have time to get there, but I do have to get up now.

Lisa uncovered herself and tried to get out of Jisoo's grip but Jisoo wouldn't budge. Lisa smiled. She's so clingy in the morning sometimes. She turned to face Jisoo and kissed her on the forehead. Jisoo smiled wider. She then spoke softly so as to not disturb Jisoo too much:

"Jisoo, baby, I have to get up." She said with a smile.

"Why?" Jisoo was instantly annoyed, but kept her eyes closed. She wanted to sleep with Lisa more.

"I have a lecture soon, and I can't miss it." Lisa was still being very gentle.

"Mm..." Jisoo grumbled again. "You never miss any lectures, can't you just miss this one?"

"I can always miss a lecture... It's just that it's easier later when it comes to studying. You know that." Lisa smiled apologetically. Jisoo didn't notice because her eyes were still closed. Lisa then continued, quietly: "I'll make it up to you later. I'll take you out later, or we can stay in tonight and watch a movie, whatever you want."

"Whatever Lisa." Jisoo grumbled offended.

"I'm sorry babe."

"Mm." Jisoo turned away from Lisa pouting.

Lisa internally sighed. Well, we're off to a great start. She mused sarcastically. Just as she was thinking that, Jisoo sat up, kissed Lisa on the cheek and got back to sleep without saying a word.

Oh... Okay... That was... Better. Lisa smiled.

"See you tonight Lisa... We can go out for a drink." Jisoo spoke quietly while she was getting back to sleep.

"See you babe! I love you!"

"I love you too, Lisa." Jisoo was already one step into dreamland.

I don't know what to make of this. But it was good. Okay, maybe not good GOOD, but it was better than I hoped for. Now I really should call or text Chaeyoung. No, I think I need to call her, I owe her an apology.

"I'm just glad you're okay and that nothing happened to you." Chaeyoung interrupted Lisa's apology over the phone.

"Yeah, no, Jisoo drove us to her place. I had a sleepover. It was nice." Lisa smiled while saying those last words.

"Oh, good to hear!" Chaeyoung was happy for Lisa and you could hear it in her voice. "We can discuss it later if you want."

"I would love to." Lisa said with a soft smile on her face.

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now