Chapter 74 - "I should be calling you "Miss Park"..."

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"Oh... Okay, so..." Yixing finally calmed down. "How long have we known each other?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, technically, we don't... We've never met in person." Chaeyoung replied with a smile.

"Fair enough hahaha... Okay, how long have we known each other over the phone and over our e-mail conversations?"

"Hmm... I'm guessing six months... Why?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Six months and we've never met in person...." Yixing responded.

"Well, I did try to set up a meeting, but you insisted on keeping it, what was the phrase, "lowkey", and the people who work for you and who I've talked to also insisted on that so... Yeah, who am I not to oblige?" Chaeyoung responded with a smile.

"Well, you know I respect you."

"I know, you're the first person I worked with who insisted on me calling them by their first name hahaha." Chaeyoung laughed and Yixing joined in.

"Well, what can I say? "Mister Zhang" felt very forced... And even if it didn't, I think things should be the other way around - I should be calling you "Miss Park" out of respect and you should be calling me "Yixing" or "hey you" or frankly anything other than "Mister Zhang"... Why? Because you really are the best at what you do!" Yixing was sincerely complimenting Chaeyoung's work.

"Thank you!" Chaeyoung was happy to hear those words. "I think I'll be trying out the phrase "Hey you" in the near future hahaha." Chaeyoung joked and Yixing joined in laughing. He then added:

"Well, anyway... Diplomacy can be tricky, especially in the types of situations I've been in so... yeah, you've really helped me out... But the reason why I called is because I wanted to thank you..." Yixing finally found a way to answer Chaeyoung's original question.

"Oh, you've already thanked me enough times... So..."

"No, I meant... To really thank you... I was wondering, if it is possible and if you are available, I would love to buy you diner tomorrow evening... I know, that's not nearly enough to thank you for everything you've done so far, but since I don't know you very well and I don't know your tastes or likes or dislikes, I thought diner would be okay... At least at this moment in time..."

"Yixing, listen, you've paid more than enough for what I did when I helped you... And the bonuses you added later were really something else so I really can't ask for more money or a diner or anything like that.. You've really helped out so... Again, thank you!"

"Oh... So that's a "no" on the diner invitation?" Yixing sounded a bit sad.

"That's not what I said haha!" Chaeyoung chirped. "But I did want you to know that you've already thanked me enough hehe... You should know that because you really outdid yourself already..."

"Oh wow... I'm glad you feel that way... Because, you've helped me many times so far and you've been someone who knew how to handle tricky situations... And I really love my family and I just wanted them to be okay..."

"I appreciate that!" Chaeyoung really did appreciate what Yixing said.

"Listen, Chaeyoung, if you think that I was being too upfront by asking you out for diner I understand.... I can come off like that sometimes.... I am sorry. I only wanted to thank you and that is all..." Yixing sincerely apologized. He then added: "You don't have to-" Yixing was then interrupted by Chaeyoung:

"So... Yes, I would love to go out on a diner with you...! Just tell me where we're going so I know what to wear."

"Oh wow... That's great to hear!" Yixing was surprised which made Chaeyoung chuckle. I've never heard this side of him. He's usually casual and relaxed, but now he's so confused, it's so endearing hahaha - She thought. He then added:

"The name of the restaurant is Sabiru... Have you heard of it?"

"Heard of it...?" Chaeyoung was shocked. "I've been meaning to go there for weeks now but I never had the chance to go... Oh wow! Definitely, yes, I've heard of it!" She replied excitedly.

"Great! I'll pick you up at... 7 tomorrow... and we'll go there then... Is that okay?" He asked happily.

"Sure! I just wanted to tell you one thing."


"My best friend is in town. She came all the way from Thailand for a couple of days here... So after diner I'd like to get back home so that she and I can hang out, if that's okay with you..."

"Oh wow, no, Chaeyoung! I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" Yixing was being apologetic again which Chaeyoung found endearing. He continued: "If it's really inconvenient, we don't have to meet up, I'm so sorry!"

"Yixing, it's okay! I'd really like to meet the person who I've been working for and with whom I've talked to for the last six months so don't worry... It'll be for a couple of hours and my friend and I will have plenty of time to hang out so, again, don't worry..."

"Oh... Okay, I don't want to interfere with anything important..."

"She is important... But she also understands the concept of two adults going out for a diner for a couple of hours hehe." Chaeyoung felt pride when she spoke about Lisa.

"Hehe, fair enough. It's always nice to hear people talk about their friends like they are important to them... I can definitely relate to that as well." They both agreed on that. Chaeyoung then decided to ask one more thing:

"Hey Yixing, one more thing..."


"How come you're in Seoul now?"

"Oh, I'm not, I'm actually currently in China, but I'll be coming to Seoul tomorrow morning... " He then added: "Yeah, I have to meet up with my guys so that's why I'm coming... But I figured, in the evening, I might as well see you hehe."

"Your guys?"

"Yeah... My guys..." He was being a bit secretive.

"I still don't know what your line of work is Yixing, so I hope "my guys" is not a code for "shipping drugs across the boarder"." Chaeyoung joked but was hoping she wouldn't get a positive response to that.

Yixing started to laugh hysterically and Chaeyoung soon joined in due to the fact that Yixing's laugh was very contagious.

"Oh Chaeyoung... Always cracking the best jokes... I promise you, I'm not shipping drugs or doing anything illegal." He spoke sincerely.

"Alright, no problem... And I do admit, my jokes are pretty funny." Chaeyoung responded proudly.

"They sure are hehehe... Listen, I'll tell you all about my work and "my guys" tomorrow, okay? But I will also like to get to know you, the woman who helped me out so many times." He smiled as he said that.

"No problem, I'll be glad to finally meet you in person!" Chaeyoung responded with a smile.

"Okay... Well, we'll see each other tomorrow! Have a nice night Chaeyoung!" Yixing cheerfully exclaimed.

"See you tomorrow, have a nice night as well, byeee!" She replied in the same cheerful tone.


Oh wow... Now that is someone who truly appreciates other people. Chaeyoung mused. The way he always talked about his family, even before this conversation.... He really seems like a devoted family member and I can definitely appreciate that.... And wow, Sabiru..... That is... Wow... A really really fancy restaurant. And.... that's something else! Chaeyoung mused after the phone call ended.

She then returned to watching TV. Later on she got ready for bed.

Huh... Lisa didn't text or call, which could only mean one thing - she's hanging out with Jennie! Oh my, the bagels are SO mine! She probably didn't call or text because she and Jennie are right now somewhere out there having fun... I bet she'll have some good news for me in the morning... Well, Lisa, I hope you're having the time of your life! Chaeyoung mused before going to sleep.

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