Chapter 40 - "And Twice."

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"So... Top 3 concerts?"

"Where I've performed or who I've seen?" Jennie asked.

"Both, actually, now that I think about it!" Lisa was eager to know.

"Oh wow... That's a tough one. Well, Dua Lipa was great! Back in the day I saw 2NE1 perform as well, they were awesome.... Huh.... I've seen a lot of great concerts, Lisa, I don't want to brag, but it's tough to pick just three!" Jennie chuckled at the end and Lisa joined in.

"Yeah, I remember from the Instagram story, the Dua Lipa concert, how was that, how was she like later when you met her?"

"Oh, she's so kind! So nice... And very funny... And I really shouldn't be saying this but... hehe... There are talks about a collaboration!"

"No way!" Lisa's mouth was wide open. "You and Dua Lipa? No way! That... That would be amazing!"

"Right?" Jennie happily exclaimed, "It would be really something else!"

She shouldn't be telling me this, and yet she told me... I mean, wow. I guess this means she trusts me enough to know that I could keep it a secret? Lisa pondered.

"Yeah, I mean, not a lot of people know about it, just my team and my family, but yeah... It would be super exciting!"

"I don't think I'd be able to stop listening to that song! Like... I'd be at my university, sitting in class, the professor would ask me something and I'd be like "what, what?"!" Lisa exaggerated which Jennie found hilarious.

"Lisa hahahaha." Jennie couldn't stop laughing. "Tears, literal tears, look at this." Jennie was really shedding tears from all the laughter.

Yup, I made that. Yup, I'm cool. Lisa mused with a smile.

"Thank you for that." Jennie ended her laughter.

"All in a day's work!" Lisa replied smirking.

"Hey, yeah, now... Now that you've mentioned work, tell me, how is your photography going?" Jennie asked eagerly as her eyes widened.

"Wait, I will answer that, but you still haven't told me what were the three best concerts you've ever performed."

"Oh, that's right!" Jennie remembered.

She then added:"I'll tell ya, it's impossible to pick. The crowds are always amazing and I really love my fans, they are the best. I've never been anywhere where I could say "oh that was a disappointing crowd" or "oh the organizers messed everything up". I really appreciate what I do and with whom I've worked so far, and I think that people who've worked with me have a similar experience, at least I hope they do hehe. So yeah... no bad concerts, just great ones... but, I feel like that answer is a cop out... And I don't want to give a cop out type of answer, so.... That acoustic performance that I did... Very memorable." Jennie added with a smile.

"Because it was your first acoustic performance?" Lisa asked.

"That too, and because the atmosphere was so cozy and... even romantic I wanna say... The people were all there, sitting, enjoying their drinks... It was a special kind of night. It was just... Very memorable. And the band... and the guest performances, oh..."

"Yeah, I agree... It was an amazing night, the people really enjoyed, and for me... Well, for me, that was probably my favorite concert ever." LIsa added with a faint smile.

"Oh, and who could forget, I've met my biggest Thai fan there, who flew all the way from Thailand just to see me... I mean, that still amazes me!" Jennie added which produced a massive grin on Lisa's face.

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