Chapter 85 - Sitting

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Lisa woke up the next morning to a black screen of her laptop. Of course, my battery died. I forgot to plug it in... She thought to herself as she rubbed her eyes, trying to fully wake herself.

She was now lying on her back and looking at the ceiling. Last night was... Nice... Like, really nice... Like, heartwarmingly nice... I can't wait to do it again! A smile appeared on her face and it was making her cheeks hurt.

Lisa then reached for her phone and saw that she received a message from Jennie:

Hey! My battery died because I forgot to plug in my laptop, silly me hahaha! Anyway, I really enjoyed last night's date and I would really love to do it again soon... Or at least just a videocall so that I can see your face :* <3

Lisa was grinning hard upon reading that text message as she hugged her phone imagining it was Jennie instead. She then replied:

Hey! :* My battery died too, so I guess we're both silly :D Sitting your face is always a great way to end my day, so yes, I call for another videocall as soon as possible, please! :* <3

Lisa sent her message not realizing the typo her autocorrect offered. She then read the message again, but only after she sent it. She panicked and corrected herself:

SEEING your face, not "sitting"!!! I'm sorry, autocorrect conspired against me!

She then added a GIF of an embarrassed cat hiding, hoping the whole situation wouldn't be too embarrassing for her in the end. Well, not much I can do now... Wow, I usually read the messages I send to Jennie a thousand times before I send them... I guess this is me actually relaxing when it comes to her... Although, that panic mode I had on while correcting myself could prove otherwise.... Oh wow... Being in love can really make you go through a hundred emotions in like 3 seconds.... - She mused.

Jennie didn't reply, which Lisa took as a sign that she was having a busy day today again and she probably wasn't able to look at her messages.

Later that day, Lisa went to the dance center for another lesson. She saw BamBam in front of the center as he was stretching before his lesson.


"Heeey!" They greeted each other cheerfully.

"I was hoping I would see you because I wanted to ask you something, do you have a minute?"

"I have two, maybe three!" He joked and Lisa chuckled.

"So, I was thinking about going to see this dance troop this Friday-" BamBam then interrupted her:

"Say no more, I'm in!" He spoke enthusiastically.

"Hahahaha that's definitely the response I wanted to hear!"

"Do you know any details?"

"Uh... No, actually, Jisoo told me about it, and we were supposed to go together, but I also wanted you to come with since you really enjoy dancing and... Yeah, that's basically it..."

"Uh... Jisoo and you?" BamBam was confused.

"Yup. She asked me because she doesn't have anyone who would like to see them and she thought I would like it." Lisa explained.

"Oh, wow... That's nice of her to think like that!" BamBam approved. "Okay, uh, then tell me the details when you find out more!"

"I sure will! By the way, Bam, did any of the record companies call you or e-mail you or anything?"

"Yeah, actually, they did!"

"What? And you didn't say anything?" Lisa was surprised.

"I just didn't want to get everyone's hopes up in case something goes wrong." BamBam admitted.

The Star and The Fangirl - A JenLisa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now