Chapter 36 - Chaeyoung's Birthday Wish

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The duo woke up at noon, mostly because Chaeyoung had an alarm set up.

"But why?" Lisa grumbled quietly.

"I thought we could eat and then go see a bit of Seoul before we buy the things needed for the party tonight." Chaeyoung said enthusiastically.

Lisa raised her head and with a sad look on her face asked:

"An hour more of sleep, pleeeease?"

Chaeyoung just nodded her head as if she wanted to say "Of course" and they both got back to sleep.

After an hour, they groggily woke up but generally felt a bit better than an hour before that.

They got ready and soon headed out of the apartment. As soon as they bought something to eat, they felt better and generally looked less tired.

They walked around Seoul and Chaeyoung showed Lisa all the places she had discovered there - the parks, the museums, the streets, the malls and many other places. She promised to take Lisa to all of these places as soon as Lisa moved to Korea as well.

Lisa was eagerly listening to all of Chaeyoung's stories about Seoul and everything she had witnessed so far and how she was generally having a great time. Lisa was also having a great time by just listening to Chaeyoung. She also took a lot of photographs of Seoul and Chaeyoung in Seoul, even putting the camera in some strategic places so that she and Chaeyoung could take pictures together.

They were having a great time.

Later that afternoon they returned to Chaeyoung's neighborhood and bought everything needed for the party tonight. Chaeyoung invited over some friends she made at work. It wasn't going to be a huge party and it was actually something Chaeyoung wanted.

As soon as Chaeyoung's colleagues arrived, the party started - drinks, homemade food that Chaeyoung prepared beforehand, and music on her loudspeakers.

It was a lovely little celebration filled with great conversations and dancing around the apartment. Around midnight, the birthday cake was served and everyone was excited to see Chaeyoung blowing out the candles. A couple of minutes later, just before they all decided to get out of the apartment, Chaeyoung and Lisa stepped out on Chaeyoung's balcony alone.

"Wanna know what I wished for when I blew out the candles?" Chaeyoung asked with a smile.

"Oh you know you can't tell me-" Lisa replied with a smile, but was interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah, trust me, I know it won't come true. I mean, it will, but then it won't, and then it will again."

"Huh?" Lisa was confused.

"I wished that you were happy." Chaeyoung spoke.

"Aw Chaeng! Come on!" Lisa spoke softly with a huge grin on her face. "But you-"

"I'm happy Lisa. I've got friends, I've got a sister in you, I've got a job that I like and I work in a country which has been amazing so far. And I know you're happy in general... But I want you to be even happier."

"Chaeng!" Lisa hugged Chaeyoung tightly. While, they were hugging, Lisa asked confused:

"But wait, what was the whole thing about "It will come true, and then it won't"?"

"Happiness, just like pain, is always fluctuating. Sometimes you get good days, sometimes you get bad days. Now, I want you to have good days. Or at least, better days." Chaeyoung replied with a smile.

They were standing on the balcony looking into the distance, smiling.

Lisa then spoke:

"Thank you Chaeng! You're the best."

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