Chapter 83 - Hips

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Lisa was sitting in her room and checking up on some things on her laptop. She woke up a couple of hours ago and she was now doing more research for her Master's thesis. After a while, she decided to take a break. As a part of that break, she was now replying to a couple of mails she received recently and then she started to think about Jennie.

Okay, now that I'm done with all of these mails, I guess I could send her an e-mail as well... Hmmm... What can I write? How do I phrase it?.... I mean, why complicate things? She thought as she wrote out her message to Jennie:

Hey :) I was thinking, now that your tour is over, I would very much like to have that cyber-date-night we talked about when I was in Seoul :*

Lisa was satisfied with the simplicity and straightforwardness of her mail as she sent it to Jennie.

She then went on with her work on her Master's thesis. After a couple of minutes, her phone buzzed. She was confused when she read Jennie's message:

Hey! Would you like to go on a cyber-date with me these days? My tour is over and I was thinking that we should do it :*

Lisa wondered - Did she not get my mail?

Just to be safe, Lisa decided to call Jennie:

"Hey!" She opened up the conversation cheerfully.

"Heeey!" A huge grin appeared on Jennie's face upon hearing Lisa's voice. "An answer to my text would have been adequate, but I'm definitely glad to hear your voice! What's up?" Jennie just couldn't hold in the excitement now that she was talking to Lisa.

"First off - I don't to "adequate"!" Lisa pretended she was annoyed but laughed which made Jennie chuckle hard.

"You dork!" she called Lisa out.

"I thought that that was a charming part of my essence!" Lisa proudly exclaimed.

"It is, it's one of the reasons why I like you hehehe..." Jennie replied.

"You know what, Jennie? Sometimes you're too damn sweet!" Lisa couldn't handle Jennie's cuteness, even over the phone. "Anyway." She added.

"Anyway, yes, tell me!" Jennie was eager to know.

"I sent you an e-mail earlier so I was surprised when I saw your text. Did my e-mail not arrive?" She asked curiously.

"An e-mail? Okay, let me check real quick..." Jennie was confused. "Ah, yes... I wonder why my phone didn't alert me... Stupid phone! But yes, it arrived!"

"Yes, technology is stupid... Who knows what witchcraft we would have to use in order to talk right now if there was no technology..." Lisa teased.

"Touche" Jennie replied. "Okay, now let me just read it... Oh wow... I can't believe we basically asked each other the same thing at almost the same time... Now that's witchcraft right there, Lisa!"

This final statement made Lisa chuckle and she wanted to hug Jennie tightly for saying that. I love it when she just plays along to my corny jokes.... She's amazing!

"Yup. Definitely is... So... Date night, huh?"


"Did you... How do we...?" Lisa was confused.

"Well... I thought maybe could both make up a meal for ourselves, turn on our videocall and chat... I... I'm not going to lie, I miss seeing your face..." Jennie said that last part with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Oh, no, no, no, noooo!" Lisa spoke in a rapid-fire manner. "Don't feel sad." This made Jennie smile again and Lisa could hear it. Lisa then continued:

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