Chapter 78 - "Playing with Garbage"

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Lisa basically explored the entire story that happened last night. She didn't speak much about the physical activities that they shared, since she wanted to keep a bit of privacy to herself, which Chaeyoung understood.

But everything else was explored and explained. Lisa didn't know where one part of the story ended and where the other one began, so she would sometimes jump from one time period to another.

Chaeyoung didn't mind, she was enjoying Lisa speak and was giggling whenever Lisa got too excited about her story. They were really having an amazing time while Lisa happily told Chaeyoung whatever she could. Chaeyoung was amazed and surprised by everything, mostly commenting with a "Wow" or a "No way!".

When she was done, Lisa grabbed one bite out of Chaeyoung bagel.

"I'm sorry, I talked for a while, I got hungry!" Lisa smiled which made Chaeyoung chuckle.

"I still can't believe it... I mean, I can... I predicted it.... But wow..." Chaeyoung was leaning against the sofa while they were still sitting on the floor, looking into the distance. She then looked at Lisa:

"This is.... This is a big deal Lis... And I'm so freaking happy for you!" She then hugged Lisa and pushed her on the ground. They were now lying on top of each other, giggling.

"I can't believe it either Chaeng, but it happened. Jennie told me she liked me. We kissed. We.... Had our night together... And... Yeah..."

"So... What does this technically mean?" Chaeyoung then asked after they got back up to sit on the sofa as she continued to eat her bagels.

"Well... What do you mean by that?" Lisa chuckled as she said that.

"I mean... Are you two... official? Like a couple? Like a dating, monogamous couple?"

"We..." Lisa started out confidently but quickly realized she had no answer. Chaeyoung chuckled:

"Did you forget to ask her? Did she forget to ask you? What happened?"

"I uh.. Oh wow... Would you look at that... I mean.... We said we wanted to take things slowly..."

"Oh yeah, wouldn't want to rush anything... you've only been girlcrushing on her for like two years, crushing on her for a month and slept with her last night... Definitely, take your tiiiime...." Chaeyoung teased and made Lisa chuckle.

"I get what you mean...." Lisa replied with a smile. "But now that I think about it.... I like that we're going slow. It gives us both room to grow and to think about things... And, I mean, we can't go fast when you think about it... I'm not going to be in Korea at this point in time, so..."

"Look at my baby Lisa, all grown up and thinking about the future." Chaeyoung was proud as she hugged Lisa for saying that.

"Well, again, you're the grown-up who taught me these things, so..."

"Mama Chaeng did well, didn't she?" Chaeyoung smiled as she said that.

"Yes she did!" Lisa added with a smile. "I'll definitely text Jennie later... She's probably flying to Japan right now so... Yeah... And then we'll arrange everything else as we go along - videocalls, phone calls, texting... everything... And, you know, we will keep it going... I will ask her officially to be my girlfriend the next time I come to Korea."

"Oh wow, a confident Lisa, I like it very much!" Chaeyoung replied.

"Well, why not? By June or whenever I may come, enough time will pass... And we will both enjoy the slow speed at which this is all going... So... The only logical step then would be to ask her to be my girlfriend..."

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