Chapter 43 -"...we're Lili and Nini!"

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"So... This is the neighborhood where my family used to live, and also, there's the school where I used to take dancing lessons when I was younger." Jennie was pointing out things as they were walking through a busy street.

"Wow, this all looks amazing, look at the buildings, the people!" Lisa took out her camera and snapped a couple of photographs.

She really knows how to appreciate Seoul. Jennie mused. She then jumped in front of Lisa to get in one of the shots and smiled.

"Oh, there you are! I wondered when "model Jennie" was going to pop out!" Lisa teased with a smile

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"Oh, there you are! I wondered when "model Jennie" was going to pop out!" Lisa teased with a smile.

"Let me see, let me see!" Jennie was excited. "Oh come on, that's not fair! Even when I randomly jump into a shot, you still manage to catch a great photo!"

"I think it has more to do with the model, rather than the photographer." Lisa blurted out. Oh wow! Where did that come from? I have to play this cool! Lisa panicked a bit.

Jennie gave Lisa a smile and spoke humbly: "Thank you so much." Okay... That was... That was more straightforward than the other two times... But nah, she's still probably being friendly, Jennie you need to check your ego from time to time! She's just being nice!

"You're welcome." Lisa said with a friendly smile on her face. Huh! I think I played that cool! She mused.

See? She was only being friendly.... Oh Jennie, when will you learn? The duo continued to walk down the streets as Jennie was introducing Lisa to all the little things she remembered from this neighborhood.

"My friends and I used to roller skate here a lot, it was the best! I mean, when I found the time from all the training sessions... But yeah, some really good times!" Jennie opened up. "Oh, and at this store we would usually buy candy or sodas!"

Lisa was smiling all the way through Jennie's stories about her neighborhood. Wow, this is like a whole new world of Jennie that one does not get to know from interviews and radio shows... And she is telling it all to me... I mean, I feel privileged. This is amazing.

"Thank you." Lisa spoke softly.

"For what?" Jennie smiled confused.

"For showing me all of this. It feels so great to learn more about you!"

Jennie just smiled. She really is kind. And humble. And grateful.

"So... This school you went to..." The duo stopped right in front of it.

"Yes?" Jennie eagerly asked.

"How was it? Can you tell me more about it?" Lisa smiled while asking.

"Oh wow! Yes! So they do a lot of, you know, classic Latin dances, like cha-cha-cha, rumba, samba... And I did take those, mostly to improve on my balance and general movement at the beginning of my career... Later on I moved to hip-hop. When I started to develop my rap skills I realized that the two blended well together... And after that there were private lessons for my choreographies."

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