Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jiyasha changed her burnt gown and retired to the bed. Her gaze fell on Aryan's coat and she held it in her hand firmly. The fragrance of his expensive perfume filled her heart with joy. "Now I am not worried anymore because I have finally got something about him and his whereabouts. Rest will be decided by destiny but I know I am going to meet him tomorrow. He'll be surprised when he sees that this time it is I who have found him first."

Jiyasha neatly folded his coat and placed it on her bedside table. She switched off the lamp and went to sleep hugging her pillow. A beautiful broad smile filled her face in sleep the whole night.

The next morning, Jiyasha woke up early and took the shower. She threw open her cupboard and juggled among her western outfits. "No I can't wear my casuals today, I should look like someone special. After all I am going to meet him."

She left all her dresses shuffled but didn't find anything proper to be worn. Finally, she took the keys and opened a second locker in the cupboard. She found a range of her own knee length gown. "I had specially brought this from home for various occasions at college. I think I must wear it today."

Saying so, she hurled the yellow gown over her. It had golden brocades and the cloth piece fitted her. "Perfect for the meet today."

She wore the matching earrings and a colored bangle on her right hand with the wrist watch on the left. She also applied a light makeup with a little kohl round her eyeline. "This is the first time I have tidied myself so much."

She locked her room and came outside. She took a look around only to find the other girls of the hostel either brushing their teeth or having their morning coffee. Nobody was ready for the college except Jiyasha. "I think I am going out very early. But I'll have to hurriedly go to his house and then to the college. I have never felt so excited ever in my life before."

She glanced at her bag for once and checked it while moving down the stairs. "His coat lies perfectly inside."

Downstairs near the gate, Jiyasha grabbed the keys to her scooter. "No I shouldn't go by scooter today. I don't even know whether Pooja is back from her house or not. If not, then how will Monica go to college? Let my scooter be here, I'll go by a cab."

She handed over her keys to the guard. "Uncle, please give the keys to Monica."

"But where are you going early morning?" the guard asked her.

"Sir, you have always been strict with us for returning late at night but I am leaving the hostel early morning. I don't think it's any harm," saying so, Jiyasha left with a smile on her face. The guard nodded in confusion.


Jiyasha was in the street waiting impatiently for a cab for about half an hour and kept checking her watch a hundred times. "I want to meet him as soon as possible, I can't keep my calm. It's so impossible to get a cab early morning."

Soon she noticed an empty cab coming in her direction and she sighed. A light smile appeared on her face again.

"Where do you want to go, Ma'am?" the driver asked her.

Jiyasha's eyes widened as she hadn't yet checked the card or read the details. "Wait, I will tell you."

She opened her bag and grabbed his coat. She searched for the card in the pockets and finally caught hold of it. As she was about to read it, her phone rang. "Oh it's Monica calling me. Why has she woken up early morning? Does she need anything?"

Jiyasha handed over the card to the cab driver. "Take me here."

Jiyasha answered the phone call quickly while getting into the cab, "What is it Monica?"

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