Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

A heated Ankit stormed into the dining room with fire burning in his eyes. Jiyasha was behind, following him to where the other members of the family were getting seated for the dinner.

"What the hell is happening here?" Baldev shouted when Ankit kicked the dining table in a fit of rage, causing the bowl of rice to crash on the floor.

"You don't know what all is happening in this house behind our back!" Ankit retorted.

"What?" Baldev asked, gesturing him with his fingers to calm down.

"Papa, the person with whom you've thought to get your elder daughter married to is actually spoiling himself with your younger daughter." Ankit disclosed what all he saw, before everyone in the house.

Aditi pushed Ankit. "Will you stop making a fuss about everything? What are you both son and dad up to?"

Baldev stood up from the chair. "Aditi, we were thinking to get Kriti married to Avyan but what I hear is that he's getting along with Jiyu."

Jiyasha reached the dining, panting heavily. They darted their eyes at her as she stood there in silence. "Papa, bro, I'm sorry for it."

"You can't be sorry after committing sins. Being the girl of this family, you were spoiling your dignity with the person we decided for your elder sister. I was wrong in trusting you again. My friends were right, you betrayed us." Ankit spat horribly.

Baldev walked towards Jiyasha, crossing the table and stood facing her. "If you were really getting along with a guy, why didn't you inform me before?"

Jiyasha flickered her eyelids twice as she said stammering, "I...I know it's my fault... I should have informed you way before but..."

Ankit interrupted, "Stop saying anything more and giving excuses. You could have even told me about it when I asked you to talk to Kriti. But you chose to remain silent and promised to do as I had said. You should have known how strictly we follow our traditions and so we have selected Avyan for Kriti."

Kriti was unable to bear more of her brother and father's accusations and the tensed look on Raghav's face ached her heart. Jiyasha and Avyan's explanation to stand up against the wrong was ringing in her mind. She stepped ahead in Jiyasha's support and stood beside her.

Kriti objected, "Did you both bother to even ask me whether I want to marry Avyan or not? You did the same thing in Mohit's case too and already saw the outcome."

Ankit glanced at Kriti again. "You want to revolt against us!"

Kriti tightened her fist for she could not show her anger the way she wanted to, yet she continued. "I am not revolting but Jiyasha cannot be always accused without any fault of her own. Since childhood, she was accused but what was her fault if she was born out of a second wedding? If getting cosy with your husband is a sin, then it's fine for Jiyasha to have committed that sin. In that sense, I've committed a bigger sin of getting cosy with someone who I'm not even married to."

Jiyasha covered Kriti's mouth with her palm. "Please be quiet. It's not the right time to aggravate them. They're already enraged and everything can get spoilt for the four of us."

"I didn't get what you mean." Baldev frowned his forehead.

Jiyasha tightened her grip on Kriti's wrist and asked Baldev. "You both tell me what your happiness lies in. I'll do as you prefer because I can't afford to lose my family again."

Ankit stepped forward. "I'm still trying to decrypt Kriti's words but let me tell you Jiyasha, you have broken my trust again and you can never regain it."

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