Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

A fast forward of twelve hours...

It had been almost twelve hours since Jiyasha fainted. Everything had blackened out before her. She didn't remember what had happened with her after that.

Jiyasha opened her eyes slowly as her head was hurting very badly. She was already hit on her head the day before when she was kidnapped. The muscles behind her eyes were aching and her feet were unevenly spread on the warm king size bed.

She took a glance around the place where she was sleeping for so long. It was a large open room with numerous luxurious decorations. The carvings and the paintings on the walls were also exorbitantly overpriced.

She stomped her feet on the floor and moved towards a mirror casing on the wall. Her body approved of giddiness for a few seconds before recovering her senses, when she previewed her own image in the mirror.

"I'm married!"

Her pretty dried lips could utter only those two words when she perceived a little amount of vermilion in between her hairline.

Jiyasha was married. How and when did it happen? Where was she?

Her mind was repeatedly requesting her for an honest but unwanted response. She knew that the marriage symbols were honest but they were unwanted. It all happened unintentionally or it was unplanned. It had just proceeded.

Jiyasha's POV

I remember very little, I was semi-conscious throughout the process due to the heinous blame that was put upon me. I was breaking bit by bit within, my self honour was put at stake, my life and career were on the verge of extinction.

I was betrayed by my near and dear ones but this pain meant nothing in front of the blame that the college had put upon me. l will not allow anybody to play with me anymore. This is my life and I have the full right to live it how I want and with whom I want. Only I have the right to decide with whom I want to spend my night or get married to...

This vermilion was not supposed to be found on my forehead. I am not anybody's toy game who even dared to rule over me! But this is unluckily true.

I am married now, married to somebody against my wish but not against my choice. My choice had always been my love Aryan Saxena but marrying him was never my wish as he is a criminal!

Twelve hours ago, I was being abused and tortured by my college mates. They left no stone unturned to harass me, especially with the aid of Samira, Monty and Diwakar.

But then what happened? I was blackening out, I was getting dizzy and the others were blurring before me. I didn't know what my fate was leading me to, I only knew that I had lost the strings of my life completely.

But as usual, there was only one person to hold the strings of my life firmly and to emancipate me from any danger in my life. This time too, he came to my rescue.

Aryan Saxena!

This one name is stuck to me. What do I call him? Is he a curse in my life or a blessing in disguise? It is rather difficult to decide for any other girl in my place, let alone my thinking. Anyways...

The moment I was blackening out, he approached me from somewhere like a messiah and lifted me out of the crowd holding me in his arms.

I remembered him caressing my fluffy hairs to wake me up, he was up in his fighting shoes to defend me and he fought against the crowd who were insulting me.

I remembered Monica and Pooja standing quietly listening to everything, later Monica was defending me and she confessed that it was her plan to make me spend a night with him.

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