Chapter 55 (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 55


Manish blindfolded Jiyasha and captivated her in his arms. The more she screamed, the more his grip grew tighter on her. He continued walking until he reached the zenith of his favorite place.

Jiyasha yelled again, "What are you supposed to do? Just leave me and let me go. I'll never irritate you and force you to compel that you are my husband. I've understood that you are Manish. Please set me off."

Manish replaced her on the hard uneven ground below and unfixed her blindfold. Panicking, she opened her eyes and the view before her enchanted her. Manish bowed before her and spread his arms. "Welcome to my favorite place, Jiyasha."

Standing in the heart of an isolated vale, Jiyasha's heart ceased to beat when she saw the meadow flowers had blossomed amidst the barren land. The streaks of sunlight illuminated the tiny shrubs showcasing the whole background as an enthralling landscape. The vast land stretched unending to where the horizons met with no trace of a living being anywhere. Only a few birds were hovering high above their heads and the sound of the waterflow of the stream below the valley was audible. Other than that, the spellbound atmosphere was the epitome of tranquility, peacefulness and serenity.

The aesthetic place enchanted Jiyasha for she had never visited any such beautiful site earlier in life. The steeping hills far away, the flowing stream below and the cacophony of variety of birds soothed her already perturbed mind.

Manish remained the silent witness when her face changed expressions. He was standing right next to her and observed her gloomy yet beautiful face. It had all the innocence and virtuosity that he needed in the girl in his life. He was a one woman man and would do anything to win over his lady love. But his case was different, he knew that her heart already belonged to somebody else and winning her would be very impossible.

Manish spoke softly breaking the silence. "Do you see I haven't kidnapped you!"

Jiyasha inhaled deeply until her rapid breaths pacified. Then she nodded. "I am sorry for yelling that much. I should have trusted you."

"You said you trust me but you didn't. But it happens because you've known me for only a few days." He smiled.

"No it's my fault always. I didn't trust my husband and lost him. I'm doing the same mistake by not trusting you."

"So it's just the trust issue which affects you more than anything."

"Not always but in case of relationships."

"I see." Manish moved aside a little and sat on a rock. He reached for his guitar which he had hung on his back and plucked a string.

Jiyasha was surprised with his gesture and asked, "When did you bring that?"

Manish laughed. "I always have my guitar in my car. I'm very passionate about it and I often visit this place during loneliness. This place has a lovely charm and I feel better when I'm here. Thus it has become my favorite place. I often write lyrics for my band here and believe me, it comes naturally in such an environment. I thought if I fetch you here, you might feel better."

Tears encircled Jiyasha's eyes. She was witnessing Aryan in Manish, his face was prompting her to believe that he was really her lost husband. The way Manish was also thinking for her happiness and well-being, even Aryan had thought the same thing some day. But today, the place and situation were different, the respective persons were also different and it affected her a little.

Manish saw her moist eyes and putting the guitar on his side, he quickly ran to her. In a moment, Jiyasha embraced him and it filled his heart with joy. For Manish, he only wanted to keep her happy and safe. Even for Jiyasha, she was experiencing the same comfort in his arms that Aryan had provided her once.

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