Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Jiyasha and Monica got engrossed in their project work for over a week. They had been working hard throughout and visited the laboratory early morning daily. Jatin hadn't let Pooja and Samira to know why he had asked Jiyasha and Monica to work overtime.

The Friday night arrived when Jiyasha and Monica were finally relaxed from the hardwork. They were chilling out in Jiyasha's room.

"So finally we are leaving for your place, Monica," Jiyasha told her excitedly.

"Of course. I was so tired the whole week. We can take rest at least on this Saturday and Sunday, " Monica added.

Jiyasha and Monica packed their bags, locked their rooms and sneaked out of the hostel quietly.

On the other hand, Pooja was very worried as to why Jatin had instructed Jiyasha and Monica to work overtime. She decided to speak to her friends once. "I know we are not on talking terms but I still have a soft corner for them. And seeing the condition of Monica, the little one shouldn't be hurt in all these things."

Pooja went out and found both of their rooms locked. "How can it be possible? Where did they go at night?"

Someone patted Pooja from behind. Pooja held her hands. "Samira, I wonder where they are. Both of them are missing."

"Why are you getting worried? Let them be, they aren't your friends anymore." Samira smirked.

"But they still mean a lot to me and they are not among those girls who go out at night," Pooja told her worriedly.

"I think you should wait for some time. May be they'll come back," Samira advised her.

Pooja nodded and they both left for Pooja's room. Samira told Pooja on the way, "I have actually come to inform you something. Mother wants to meet you on Sunday. Your phone was switched off."

"My phone is very disturbing these days, I need to buy one."

Samira and Pooja waited together for the whole evening. Around nine o'clock, Samira prepared to leave when Pooja burst out crying, "I am getting more worried, they aren't back yet."

Samira called Jatin and informed about it. Jatin told her to stay with Pooja for the night. He would come over the next day to meet them. Samira agreed and Pooja fell on the bed crying to herself. True friendship could never be ruined easily.


The next morning, Jatin arrived at the hostel and met Pooja and Samira downstairs. Pooja accused Jatin for troubling Monica and Jiyasha.

"I couldn't help it because I had to do as instructed," Jatin told her.

"Who instructed you?" Pooja held his collar.

"Jiyasha's project head, Aryan Saxena."

"But why did he do that?"

"I don't know but he wanted progress in his work. So the girls needed to work harder."

"Now they are missing and they haven't returned the whole night. Their rooms are also locked."

"Why are you getting so worried for them who didn't care for you? They must have gone somewhere together without informing you," Samira reminded her.

"No whatever has happened is among the three of us but right now their safety is more important. I am going to search for them," saying so, Pooja left the hostel in a hurry.

Samira stopped Jatin from following her. "Don't worry bro, she will return by herself when she doesn't find them. She's a sensible girl."
Jatin left the place quickly without listening to his sister.

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