Chapter 22 (Blockbuster)

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A/N- Hey I'm sorry for being so late. I was extremely unwell for the past many days and then I got busy with the Navratri celebrations. Finally I got the time to update this important blockbuster chapter! Thank you for waiting with patience

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Chapter 22

Aryan and Jiyasha had managed to get a lift on the truck which was secretly arranged by Kabir. They were departing for the city in the middle of the night of the college fest.

"Jiyasha, be careful. You'll hurt yourself, hold on properly," Aryan warned her from the other side of the truck.

"It is very uneasy, I can't stand comfortably over the jute bags," she yelled, trying to hold the sides of the moving truck. Her wounds were hurting her.

"J-i-y-a-s-h-a..." Aryan screamed and jumped towards her to help her. Unfortunately, both of them fell together over the jute bags.

As Aryan was lying over her, one of his cheeks stuck closer to her shoulder and the essence of his hot exhale blew over it. Her eyes minutely examined his dense face as the little whiskers under his chin tickled her.

Her eyelashes flickered a few times when he gently arranged her scattered hair which were spread across her charming face. Entwining his fingers with her palms, he softly kissed her cheek and she shut her eyes instantly.

His soft warm lips touched her cheeks lightly which deepened when the truck encountered with a bumper. The gap between their already entwined bodies eventually decreased by a few more inches when her curves met his!

"Jiyasha..." he whispered heavily, gently rubbing her elbow.

"Aryan, please move", she murmured and he immediately rearranged himself from the distraction.

"I'm sorry." He pushed himself backwards to move away from her and she followed him.

They both sat on top of the gunny bags quietly with their backs touching each other. They were feeling ashamed of what had just taken place.


After a quite long journey, they had finally reached the outskirts of the city when their truck halted all of a sudden. The driver approached them and said, "There is police patrolling going on and we can't cross the highway now. It's already late in the night and they will catch us if they find passengers in the truck. We are sorry."

"You helped us to reach till here, we are grateful of you. We don't want you to fall in trouble because of us," saying so, Aryan jumped out of the truck. He helped Jiyasha to also move out of it.

"Aryan is right, thank you," Jiyasha added.

Aryan and Jiyasha left the place quickly without wasting more time. They were in a hurry to reach their respective residences.

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