6 (Edited)

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I'm suddenly jolted out of my sleep by my phone ringing picking it up I noticed it's 3:45 am who the heck is calling me late?

Answering the phone without looking as I was too tired to do so. "Hello?"  I asked.

"Eve! I need you to come to the house now! The baby is coming and I need you here with me?" Peyton's frantic voice fills my ears and within seconds I'm jumping out of my bed trying to get ready.

"Okay I'm getting ready now I'll call one of the guys on my over so they can watch Sophia, don't worry Peyton I'm coming just say calm unlock the door and we can leave as soon as I get there," I said and then hung up.

Throwing on leggings a tank top and a cardigan along with some converses I tied my hair in a messy bun and throwing random clothes and toiletries into a bag and ran downstairs.

Grabbing my car key I jumped my car and started calling Ben in the process.

"Hello?" A very tired Ben said.

"Ben get your ass up Peyton just called me she's in labor I'm heading over there now and I need you to meet me there so you can take Sophia." I rushed out.

"Shit! Okay, I'm up I'll be there soon 5 minutes give me 5 minutes." He said and then hung up.

5 minutes later I pull up to Peyton's house just as Ben had pulled in.

I ran up and into the house Ben following right behind me I opened the door.

"Peyton!? Where are you?!" I questioned.

"Upstairs!" She yelled back.

"Okay you go get Sophia and pack her a bag of clothes and take her back to your house and I'll keep you updated on Peyton and the baby," I said to Ben as we both walked upstairs.

"Okay see you later sis." He said as he hugged me.

I walked into Peyton's room crouching down next to her.

"Hey sweetie how far apart are you're contractions?" I asked.

"4 minutes apart." She breathed out.

"Okay, do you have everything you need?" Knowing that once the contractions get 5 minutes apart you need to get to the hospital.

"Yeah, everything's in the car." She said as she stood up from sitting on the bed.

"Okay let's go have a baby," I said as I helped her walked downstairs and get into the car.

After making sure we all had everything we needed I got in the driver side of the car and began the short drive to the hospital.

We finally got there and I grabbed all the main stuff we needed knowing I can come back down and get the rest.

Walking Peyton to the entrance of the hospital calling out to people telling them she was in labor people immediately came rushing to our side getting her into a wheelchair.

They took us up to labor and delivery getting her and the baby hooked up to monitors.

I walked over to Peyton to see if she needed anything.

THE MARINE IN COMBAT BOOTS. (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now