31 (Edited)

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It was Christmas morning and as I and Oli had spent Thanksgiving with my parents and then gone to see my family we were going to do the same for Christmas.

So we actually stayed at his parents' house the night before since his mom likes to do a real Christmas morning.

"Merry Christmas baby," I said as I rolled over to face Oli.

"Merry Christmas love." He said before he kissed me.

"Come on let's go brush our teeth so we can go downstairs," I told him as I got out of bed.

He got out and followed me and we began brushing our teeth.

Once we were done we walked down the little hallway that you walked to down before you reached the top of the stairs.

Once we reached the bottom we went into the living room where we knew some if not everyone would be at.

When we reached the living room everyone was there and that was including, his mom Christina and his dad Alec and his sister Riley and her boyfriend Michael.

"Yay! Okay, now that you guys are down we can open presents and then we can eat." His mom said.

We went around and handed out all the presents before we opened them.

From his parents, I'd gotten clothes and jewelry with a few gift cards, and then from his sister I'd gotten basically the same things with a few differences but I mean you can never have enough.

And then Oliver got me a bracelet that said my favorite qoute.

We moved on to Oli and I had gotten him a new watch along with a few other things, his parents and sister had gone in and got him a Nintendo switch which he was very excited about.

We continued with gifts for a bit longer, and then once we were done with that we all went into the dining room to eat breakfast, Oli's mom made a make your own crepe bar.

"So the wedding is in four weeks how are you guys feelings?" Oli's dad Alec asked.

"I'm excited I'm ready for these next four weeks to go by as quick as possible," I said.

"I'm pretty much in the same boat I've waited for it for a long time didn't really think it would happen so I'm very ready." Oil said as he rested his hand on my upper thigh.

We continued talking over breakfast, and then once we were done we all went back to the living room to watch Christmas movies

And then once we were on movie number five me and Oli decided to grab our things so we could make a short appearance at my parents' house for dinner.

We'd gotten in the car and drove the direction of my parents' house.

"So do you know who's all gonna be there?" Oil asked.

"Both my brothers their wives and their kids and then Peyton and the two girls," I told him.

We'd gotten to my parents' house and gotten out and went up the little pathway to get to the door.

I walked through the door since I'd knew I'd be open, I could tell everyone was in the living room so we made our that way.

"Het guy, Merry Christmas! Your favorite auntie is in the house!" I yelled getting the attention of everyone but mainly all my nieces.

We said our Merry Christmas' and then moved on to the gift exchange.

My parents had gotten me and Oli little things that would be useful for when we moved.

My brothers also just got us a bunch of gift cards because they said they didn't know what else to get us.

Went continued on with gifts for another hour since there were so many people, but after that, we went to the dining room to eat dinner.

"So we've got some news," Colton said as he and his wife stood up.

"We're having a baby!" They yelled together, of course, saying something like that would make everyone get rowdy with excitement.

Congrats bro, on baby number two I'm happy for you." I said I hugged him.

"Thanks, sis." He said kissing the top of my head.

After the excitement, we continued with eating and then we had dessert.

After we finished time with my family Oli and I were ready to just go home and relax with just the two of us.

So after saying our goodbyes we headed out and made our way back home.

Once we were home we took showers and got in comfortable clothes.

After we'd taken our respected showers we went out into the living room to put the Christmas tree up.

That took an hour and then once we were done we went back to the bedroom and got in bed and of course put on Christmas movies.

As we were cuddling Oli had led down to kiss me which probably wasn't a good idea considering our past with our kisses getting heated.

The kiss ended up so heated the Oli had pulled me into of him his hands moving down to my butt.

There was a lot of grabbing and moaning but I knew we had to stop.

"We need to stop we've got four more weeks we can wait four more weeks," I said as I rolled off him making him groan.

"Ugh! I need these next four weeks to go by because I feel like I'm going insane." He groaned as his voice broke making me look up at him seeing his eyes water.

"Babe, what's wrong why are you crying?" I asked as I took his face into my hands.

"I'm just so frustrated and it hurts, I'm just ready." He groaned and buried his face in my neck.

"I know baby me too, it sucks but it's all gonna be worth it, come on let's head to bed get your mind off it," I said as I cuddled him into me.

As we cuddled and got comfortable to maybe fall asleep, "I love you baby goodnight." I said. "I love you too, love so much." He told.

I was going to ask him something but before I even could he was asleep so I just followed after him.
A/N: Yay! Another chapter out hope you enjoyed!

Poor Oliver he's having a hard time!😂

Also, I think when this chapter goes up I'll be very close to having 1000 reads! which is crazy.

I know I say this a lot but I seriously can't thank you enough! Much love❤️


Love you guys so much!❤️😘🥰😍

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