68 (Edited)

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My appointment was at 8:30 but because we're not quite used to the area just yet we decided to leave almost an hour early.

Just in case we took any wrong turns, and even if we didn't and we have to wait for thirty-minutes then so be it at least we won't be late.

It was pretty cold today in the 20's so I definitely dressed warm, as in black high waisted skinny jeans while I can still get away with it.

And then a sweater tucked into that along with taupe trench-coat and some black booties.

We were out of the house by 7:30 which is exactly the time I wanted to leave by.

I had fixed both of us bagels just so we would have something to eat.

We did end up getting there early but I knew there would be a lot I needed to do before I saw the doctor so it wasn't that big of a problem.

"Hi, I'm Evelyn Ferrari I need to sign in," I said to the front desk guy once we had walked in.

"Okay, take this bring it back once you've filled it out." He said as he handed me a clipboard with paper on it.

For the most part, it was just standard questions, like when were you born, how do you weight, how tall are you.

But then after the obvious sort of questions, it was asking have you been pregnant before and if think you're pregnant now.

Things us girls get asked if we go to the doctor.

Once I was done filling it out I went back to the front desk giving the clipboard back to the guy.

"Thank you, a nurse will be out shortly to take you." He smiled.

"Okay, thank you," I told him with a smile as I walked back over to Oliver.

We continued to sit for another twenty minutes before I heard a nurse call my name.

"Evelyn Ferrari?" She called out, and Oliver and I stood up quickly.

"Hi, how are you guys today?"She asked as she walked us down a hall.

"We're doing good, how are you today?" I asked here with a smile as she leads us into a room clicking the in-use button.

"I'm good hun, okay so the chart says you're pregnant with your second baby but you lost the first one just after 20 weeks, is that correct?" She asked as she read off the chart.

"Yes, I actually have my old chart from my old doctor, we use to live in Texas but just recently moved here for my husbands work," I explained to her as I pulled my file from my purse.

"That's perfect I'll have the doctor look over this before he comes in." She said.

"So, let me give him this and then I will be back in to do some bloodwork just to clarify." She told me.

"Also if you could change into this that'll be great." She said as she handed me a gown.

"Okay, thank you so much." I smiled.

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