9. New Swag, Who Dis

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Lisa POV

I fixed my hair in the mirror, and double checked my makeup. The butterflies continue to flutter in my stomach and smile on my face. Why do you make me feel like this, and why is the feeling so strong. Is it cause it happened so naturally and over time? All those studio hours? I smiled into my mirror and closed my makeup box. I looked into the mirror and a frown crept over my lips, and a tear ran down my my face. I know. I know he belongs to Rosie unnie, but if by chance she doesn't...

"Ahhh, stop it, Lisa!" I said to myself. "Go make sure he's up! You gotta show him you're interested!"

I smiled and got up, making sure that I put away all my makeup and hair stuff. I took a deep breath and walked to my door grabbing two suckers out of my candy stash.

"I wonder if Y/n Oppa likes bubblegum flavor. If not I'll take it and let him have the other." I smiled and walked out of my door, on my way out I ended up running into Jennie.

"And how was your date with Y/n Oppa yesterday?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and mischievous grin. "You give it to him?"

"Unnie!" I yelled as my face got warm and red. "Nothing like that happened I swear!"

"I'm only teasing," She replied while she laughed.

"You're so mean!" I giggled out continuing to the front door of the dorm.

"Lisa..." Came a soft shaky voice, it was Rose.

"What?" I said trying not to sound too angry or mean, she's one of my members after all.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Her voice was shaky like she had cried all night.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." I said turning and leaving the dorm.

I hurried across the road to Y/n's house and stopped in front of the door. I checked that my skirt was straight, my shirt looked nice, then fixed my bangs. I wasn't in practice cloths because we just had a meeting with Mr. Yang today. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Kristen answered the door with a big smile and hugged me.

"Hey, Lisa!" She said excitedly as I hugged back.

"Hey, Kristen! Is Oppa ready for work?" I asked as we pulled away.

"Y/n left early today. Maybe a half hour ago, max." She said with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry, he didn't really tell me what he was doing either, so I don't know if he went to work early or had errands."

"It's okay." I sighed. "We just have a meeting today, so if I miss him ill text him and see about hanging out. Thanks though, Kristen!"

"Not a problem at all, Lisa. Talk later!" She said as I made my way back over to the dorm.

I went back to the dorm and changed shoes since I wasn't walking with Y/n. About an hour went by and the manager to pick us up. We made our way to the YG building and up to our meeting. We were early so we sat at one of the tables outside by the parking lot drinking our coffee.

( You're gonna wanna put on "Baepsae" by BTS and throw on dem cool shades for this one )

After about ten minutes or so I heard a familiar song blaring coming around the corner. It was BTS' Baepsae, and the car was pulling into the space in front of where we were sitting. It was all white and looked pretty expensive.

 It was all white and looked pretty expensive

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