Hello Vlad

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Thank you guys that you found time to read my book again. I really appreciate it and I hope you like this chapter. This one doesn't have any action, it's just a filter chapter. I'm planning on making the next chapter more interesting and tense for you people. Hope you can wait. 😁

Here goes the chapter...

It didn't take Danny very long to pack all his stuff. Basically everything he needed were clean clothes, toothbrush and that was all. On the other hand his parents were having troubles with packing the RV. They tried to take as much ghost hunting stuff as they could and their excuse was that they can never go somewhere unprepared. The Fentons didn't even forget to pack the famous Fenton ghost catcher even though it was about 2,5 meters high and the car had only 2,3 meters.

The young halfa had a feeling that all those things were packed because of him. There was no chance that his ghost hunter parents would know about Vlad's evil ghost side. His father was blinded by their fake friendship that he wasn't able to see through it. It was very stressful for Danny to live under the same roof as his arch enemy. The fact that Vlad wanted to kill Jack and take over Maddie was a lot to take for the young halfa. The only living person who knew about Vlad was Danny's sister Jazz. As soon as she found out her little brother's secret, she forced him to spill all the details.

Normally the RV was full of free space. A person could roam freely but today, the tank like car was packed from the bottom to the top. There was antighost gear scattered everywhere and it was hard to move around there. Every time Danny's parents came up with something new, they always made time to present their newest invention to their children. These days were most stressful for the ghost boy, especially the ones when they came up with a ghost tracking devices. There were few close calls when a machine pointed or flew towards Danny but his parents blamed it on their product. Then there were few things like the Fenton bazooka, Fenton ghost gloves or Fenton foamer that would have an unpleasant effect on his ghost side. Not permanently but it would hurt like hell for a while.

Now take all of those gadgets and put them in one small room. Even though Danny didn't have his ghost powers, there was still terrified part of his mind crawling in the back of his head demanding attention. It was most unpleasant for Danny to get inside of the RV, but when he was inside it got better. His sister took the seat next to him, leaning backwards. His parents took the sets in the front. Maddie in the drivers seat and Jack right next to her. It was obvious why the woman took the wheel and not her husband. Jack didn't have the best experience with their family car and it got wrecked many times by his hand. When he sat in the drivers seat, he used to be the one to navigate but he screwed it up too so the whole vehicle was under Maddie's control.

It didn't take long for the car to start. As soon as the motors kicked on, they headed for the highway leading to Vlad Masters.

"I'm so looking forward to see Vladdie again. It has been so long since our last visit and I didn't even have the time to say goodbye." Said the man in the front. At least there was one thing the man in orange was good at. It was talking and annoying everyone. His constant speaking was good when there was an awkward silence. Jack has never had a problem with starting a conversation.

The road was clean, there was no traffic that would delay their arrival to the second halfa. The closer they got to Vlad's mansion, the more fear gathered inside of Danny. It was the type of fear that consumes on your sanity, the type of fear when your expecting something bad to happen but you don't know what or when. Closer they got to their final destination, the quieter the RV got. Normally, there wouldn't be even a second when the man in orange jumpsuit would be quiet but today was different. It seemed as if everyone near Danny felt his fear and it got to them too.

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