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Hello again! It's great to see how many reads I got in the short time since the book is out. 😁😘

More info later after the chapter.


The following morning didn't start in the best mood. Danny woke up a 5 am, drenched in cold sweat. He didn't remember any nightmare from this night but there was a high possibility that he simply forgot. As he wanted to sit up, he realized that he can't. A worry spread over him but then he realized that he has fallen asleep with his headphones on. The halfa untangled himself from his wet bedsheets and cable and sat at the end of his bed thinking, trying to remember what woke him up. Unfortunately, there was nothing to remember for the ghost boy. He tried his hardest but nothing came back to him.

After 2 minutes of endless trying, Danny gave up. He decided that whatever it was, it was over. When a person wants to remember something, there's an 80 percent chance that you won't. It's a waste of your time and also energy.

The ghost boy brought his hands closer to his tired face and rubbed his eyes to get rid of sleepiness. He stood up with a groan and headed for the bathroom. He opened the door and found himself standing in a nice, white bathroom. There was a huge mirror on a wall that went from the bottom to the top. In the mirror, Danny found himself in a bad shape. Not that he wasn't used to his look but today it was much worse than usual. He was paler than his ghost half, had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a total mess. There was no way for Danny to make his hair look more formal. He tried manny times but it had the same outcome every time, messy and wild hair. There wasn't much to look at so he walked towards the sink. He took out his toothbrush from his backpack which was stored in the corner and brushed his teeth.

When he cleared his mouth, he started walking out of the room. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror but it wasn't him. The person was much taller and muscular, had light blue skin and white flaming hair in a ponytail. Danny blinked his eyes few time to clear his vision and when he opened his eyes again, he found the same tired Danny as before. For Danny, there wasn't much to think about his vision. He blamed it on the stress and lack of sleep.

When the boy got to his room, he found some gray clothes piled in the middle of his bed with a note. He grabbed the note and read it.

Wear this in my lab

Vlad Masters

Danny didn't want to wear those clothes from Vlad but he also didn't want to destroy his favorite white and red T-shirt. He finally decided on wearing the clothes from Vlad. When he took closer look at them, he found not gray but black and white hazmat suit, the same as his hero uniform. The cause why he first thought it was gray was because of the lack of light in the room.

Danny took off his pajamas and put on Vlad's replica of his old costume. It fitted him quite well even though he never told Vlad his size. The ghost child went to look at himself for the last time before he go. As he saw himself, it remained him of his old times of being hero. He smiled sadly at his reflection and he imagined having white hair and green eyes. It was breaking his heart to know that tomorrow morning, he won't wake up whole ever again. The experiment during which he got his powers was very dangerous and he could come out dead if he wasn't so lucky.

Danny closed the door to his bedroom behind him and started walking towards the living room. The hallways were quiet and that meant that his family hasn't woken up yet. Vlad was an early morning person so Danny wasn't surprised when he found him sitting in an armchair near the fireplace. The older man acknowledged Danny's presence by a waving hand. He motioned him to come closer and the boy obeyed. The younger halfa stood quietly beside the older man for a while just enjoying the cracking sound of fire eating on the wood.

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