No way back

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Another chapter! Just letting you know, my publishing schedule was every 5 days but I just can't manage it with school and training. So expect a chapter once in two or less weeks.

Thanks for understanding.

Danny stirred on the comfy couch situated in his friends house. The yesterday's dream came back to him all blurry. He remembered a man dying but he couldn't make out who because he was covered in dark shadows. Also the surroundings weren't much of a help, a normal rubble.

The halfa stretched his tense back and went to take a quick shower since he didn't have the energy yesterday. His reflection in the mirror glanced back at him, making him uncomfortable.

"Are you watching me?" Danny asked his reflection. It was a dumb question, mirrors don't usually answer.


"No." Those answers came simultaneously, making Danny jump slightly in the air. He stared at his own reflection for some time, but it moved with him. Nothing out of order. When he tried to talk to it again, it was silent.

"I'm going crazy." Danny mumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"You definitely are." Dan chuckled and for a split second, he appeared in the mirror next to Danny.

"Oh hello." Danny replied awkwardly. They haven't talked since the moment on the rooftop and Danny wasn't sure what to expect.

"Can you release me? I really need to stretch my limbs. Do you know how cramped it is in here?" The ghost asked causally. It felt natural to talk to his human side this way, as if they were friends or even something more, brothers.

"I guess I'll have to trust you?" The halfa said but it sounded more like a question. Should he trust Dan? Was it all real? Didn't he just play with him? No! Dan was the only one who stuck with him the whole time, he needs to give him a chance.

"I'll try but I can't control it fully. It might not succeed." Danny announced and then he focused on his task.

"Focus, focus, focus..." Danny murmured under his breath, concentrating on the other part of his mind.

"There's nothing!" He whispered yelled at his own reflection.

"You need to feel the anger." Dan advises his younger self. Why should he feel angry? How can it help him? He rather didn't question it further. Danny thought back to the argument with Dick and the fury was back in an instant. He reached out for Dan's presence in his mind and he found it. Focusing on separating the two of them, he ripped the ghost part out of his consciousness.

"Ugh... another small space." Dan growled as he looked around the small bathroom. Danny looked up at the ghost, a phantom smile creeping onto his face. It felt strangely nice to have his 'brother', errr.... Dan with him.

"There's a slightly bigger room out there." Danny pointed towards the closed bathroom doors with a smirk.

"Lead the way." Dan chuckled deeply. 'Man, I'll have to get used to that.' The halfa shuddered and opened the door. It was strangely quiet in here.

"Where is your roommate?" The ghost asked his companion and sniffed around.

"You can sense him?" The human asked confused.

"Enhanced senses. Remember?" He asked sarcastically and then stopped in his tracks. "This should be fun." Dan chuckled darkly and opened the door leading to Ryan's room.

"We shouldn't, it's not our business."

"Oh, but it's fun." The ghost fully opened the room now, revealing a bloody Ryan.

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