Dash 2.0

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19 chapters people! Only one and we have 20! Hope you'll enjoy Danny's first school day as much as he will. 😈😂

Danny woke up to see that someone was lightly shaking him. His eyelids felt heavy because he hasn't woken up fully yet. A set of groans escaped the sleepy halfa as he turned on his other side, trying to get away from the person who was trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes only to be met with a blinding light emitted by his lamp.

"Turn it off" Danny hissed but the light stayed on. The one who caused him to wake up in these unpleasant conditions will pay.

"Danny, you have to wake up. You have school." The halfa was surprised when he recognized the source of the voice as Bruce. He was confused about why the man was waking him up for school. They talked about it only yesterday. There was no chance he could sign him in during one night. Bruce caught his confused look and went for an explanation. "I signed you in a long time ago. We were just waiting for the right moment."

Danny sat up, still tangled in his sheets. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he found a pile of clothes laying at the end of his bed. It brought him an unpleasant memory of the time when he was staying with Vlad. The halfa shook his head to get rid of those thoughts and he rather concentrated on the present.

"That is you School uniform." Bruce informed. He took few steps towards the door but he turned back before he left. "The breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes so get dressed."

Danny grabbed his new clothes and spread them out on his bed to have a better look at them. It was a plain white shirt, a red tie, black jacked and brown trousers. A logo of Gotham academy was displayed on the black jacked, making it appear snobby. Danny thought about taking the emblem off but it would be disrespectful towards Bruce and the school.

The halfa pulled on his trousers and tucked in the sticking shirt. His father once showed him how to tie a tie so now Danny followed his silent instructions. He accidentally pulled the tie too much, making it hard for him to breath. One of his hands moved towards his neck to make a space between his blocked windpipe and the strangling piece of cloth. His spare hand loosened the knot, letting him breath normally. Danny put on his new jacket and tied his new black shoes.

With a sigh, Danny gave a cursory glance in the full length mirror of his room. His black hair had gotten too long, three bangs covering his face. He brushed them out of his face but with no success. His hair returned to their place so Danny gave up on them and let them hang loosely. The halfa made a 360 degree turn, finding out that the uniform wasn't the easiest thing to move in.

Danny slowly made his way to the kitchen. Everyone was already there, waiting for him to come.

"Nice uniform." Dick complimented and gave his brother a smirk. "I can't believe how small I used to be."

"It was yours? I always thought you were the big guy."

"You won't believe me but Dick was the smallest one for a very long time." Jason said and everyone laughed. Dick's cheeks turned slightly red out of embarrassment.

"Was this uniform always so tight?" There was no time for an answer because they were interrupted.

"Shall I bring the food." Alfred asked and appeared in the doors leading to the kitchen. 'Damn, this family will give me a heart attack!' Danny thought as the butler put a plate full of homemade pancakes in front of him. He poured some syrup on top of them and stuffed the delicious treat in his mouth.

"I need to talk to the principal so I'll take you guys to school." Bruce said from behind his newspaper and sipped from his black coffee. Danny looked at the cover of the newspaper and he found a big picture of Batman grappling away from some tied men. The halfa frowned at the picture but soon returned to his breakfast.

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