What about school

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My best ranking ever!

It has been three weeks since Danny's arrival. The young halfa settled in quite peacefully without any huge trouble. Neither side has revealed their biggest secret and Danny hoped for it to stay like it. What disappointed him quite a lot was that Bruce or anyone else bothered to share their secret. Danny didn't blame them, after all, they were the secret protectors of Gotham whose lives depended on their secret but it brought him down.

During those three long weeks, now 5 brothers created a strong relationship with their newest addiction. Danny was no longer shy around them or Bruce, it looked more like an old family that fights over everything. With someone disappearing for the night, Danny had a lot of time for himself. Every time he was left only with his thoughts, it didn't end up well because of Dan's interference. The two people were like opposite poles. One was good, the other was bad and you could continue in this list forever. The duo had their telepathic fights every now and then but Dan didn't get the opportunity to take over. When a person is living with the batfamily, even in their secret identity life, a person can learn how to hide his emotions. After all, their lives were just two big plays.

More days passed, the more the young halfa got bored. With everyone out at school or in work all day, there wasn't much to do in the manor. Yes, you could roam the hallways but has already done that like two weeks ago. It wasn't healthy and safe for Danny to stay alone all day so Bruce came up with a solution.

"Danny, I would like you to start school." The billionaire brought up the long awaited topic. Everyone knew he would have to start school someday but they were waiting for their father to make the announcement.

Danny frowned when school was mentioned. During his school days back in Amity park, he wasn't an A or even B student. His grades has been only dragging him down and we still aren't counting the constant bullying from Dash. He has been a pain in his ass since the first day they met.

"I don't want to go to school. I don't even know if I know something! I haven't been in school for like 4 months!" Danny raised his voice slightly out of desperation. Dick gave him a kind smile.

"Don't worry little bro, I didn't have the best school experience in the circus either and look what I've become. A handsome and smart guy. You'll get over it." Dick ranted but Danny didn't listen to him much. He was thinking about all possible outcomes of his first day at his new school. He would have to keep Dan at bay in front of hundreds people. Maybe they aren't as smart as the bats but they cover every inch of space so there is no private place for Danny to hide and let out the furious Dan.

"Tim and Damian both attend Gotham academy so you won't be there alone. They will help you." Bruce tried to reassure the halfa while he gave his biological son a small glare. You could practically hear their argument. 'Father, I won't babysit him!' 'Oh young man, you will'

The small tension finally broke the trusted butler who brought their dinner. He made them a roasted chicken with grilled vegetables and a healthy looking salad for Damian since he refused to eat meat.

"Is Tim and me going to be in the same class?" Danny asked, hoping for at least something. If he was forced to school, he would need a stable ground even if Jason was a better choice since he knew his secret.

"I'm afraid no. Tim is in all the honors classes while your previous grades aren't enough for those." The billionaire replied sadly.

"Way to build confidence." Danny mumbled but everyone heard him. He knew he didn't have the best grades but he felt embarrassed about it in front of everyone else. As if he wasn't good enough.

"Don't worry Danny-boy, you..." Bruce didn't have time to finish because he was interrupted by an infuriated Danny.

"Don't call me that ever again." The halfa growled and it sounded even scarier than Batman. What was everybody's problem, why do they have to call him that way. The shocked crowd was left speechless and could only watch as Danny stormed off out of the dining room.

"It can't be a good memory." The butler sighed. "Do you know anything about it master Jason? After all, you know him longer than we do."

"Well, Danny has few triggers. Something similar happened to him the day before we came here but it was much worse. He had a panic attack." Jason explained as he was poking his food. "All I know for now is that we can't call him Danny-boy or a certain phrase 'I'll rip you apart molecule by molecule'."

"Do you think it has something to do with his past?" Tim asked concerned. In those past few weeks, he grew close to his newest brother and it pained him seeing him like this.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be down training." Damian didn't wait for an answer and he walked out of the door. He and Danny didn't talk to each other very much so Damian didn't feel the need to be a part of this discussion.

"I'll go check on him." Jason offered.

"Don't make it worse Jay." Dick sighed and returned to his half finished plate. The vigilante made his way to Danny's room but found it empty. He didn't want to bother his family so he decided to look for the boy alone. Jason walked to his room and turned on his computer from where he could access the secret cameras. It didn't take long and the boy could be found sitting on the edge of the rooftop and he seemed deep in thoughts.

Jason opened his window and climbed out. He pulled himself over the edge of the rooftop and found Danny. He didn't seem to notice the newcomer or he just didn't care. The night was quite peaceful for Gotham. Up here, the wind was freezing but with Danny's ice core, it felt good. Jason slowly walked towards his younger brother and sat next to him. They both just stared at the cloudy sky and enjoyed the silence.

"I'm sorry for what he said back there. We didn't know you don't like it." Jason apologized and looked at Danny. He was still staring at the sky but he replied.

"You couldn't know."

"So are you going to school?" The vigilante brought up their topic from the dinner. Danny was thinking over the question. He couldn't stay in the manor for any longer because he would lose his sanity but he wasn't sure about his new school either. Gotham academy was a top class school for geniuses which he wasn't. With his bad grades, 4 month absence from school and Dan, he wasn't sure if he could survive for a week.

"I'll try." Danny said, forbidding himself from negative thoughts. After all, he could stop going to school whenever he wanted. No one could make him do it against his will.

"I'll go tell Bruce so he can prepare your papers and you can stay here if you want." Jason suggested while he was standing up to stretch his sore legs. "But don't stay here for too long."

"Don't worry, I won't." Danny replied. As soon as Jason left, the rooftop became quiet again. The house was rather quiet so his brothers must have gone to bed or on patrol. With his enhanced hearing, a sound of a sport car or something like that could be heard from the forest. If you looked properly, you could see the lights of the batmobile racing through the forest to the city. He watched the car until it came out of his view.

Danny made his way to his bedroom. The halfa took a long and cold shower to refresh his body and then he went to bed. He couldn't fall asleep for a long time because he was thinking about school and many other things.

I'm really sorry for this short chapter. I'm very sick so I couldn't concentrate on writing. Because of my disease, I was forced to stay home alone while my family went on a skying trip. 😭😭⛷


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