It isn't possible...

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After the last encounter with the bat family, Danny thought that things got slightly better between him and Dan. For the first time he listened to what his human part said without laughing into his face and doing the exact opposite.

Only how wrong could he be?

In the reality, Dan hadn't changed even a bit. The short period of time when Dan actually listened to Danny were long gone. As soon as they flew away from the cave, things got back to normal. Dan was back to his good old sassy and murderous self, as if the moment before never happened.

To be honest, things changed drastically between the ghost and human parts. In the time being Dan got stronger by each passing day. Danny started being afraid of himself and even if there was nothing he could do when he was trapped inside Dan's mind, he forged plans every day, storing them in his memory for later use.

Every single day, more and more innocent people fell dead by the hand of Dan who didn't show a sign of stopping in the nearest future.

<<One Month Later...>>

In the past month, now hundreds of people fell dead, leaving grieving families behind. Dan got himself a bad name all over the world, being famous for his numerous murders but surprisingly no robberies. Every person in Gotham was now afraid to go out even in the daylight because of the killing monster. Even the whole underworld was petrified, seeking a safe place to hide.

There were dozens of attempts to stop Dan, or Phantom for the public. The special government forces, the Justice League and even some villains tried to take him down. All of their attempts ended miserably, for the special forces the worst. They weren't prepared for or equipped for such a powerful being, leaving them unprotected.

The justice league on the other hand nearly lost five members: Dr. Fate, the Flash, Wonder woman, Superman and Shazam. Nearly all of their powerhouses were incapable of a fight, forcing the league to step down. After some time, Batman and Green Arrow were able to track the place from where their enemy number one came. They search lead them to a small city called Amity park. The town has been having problems with ghosts for few years now but they had their protector, who vanished about three months ago without a trace.


Back in the batcave, people were running around, trying to memorize the final plan which goal was to get rid of Phantom. As mentioned before, Batman with a little help, was able to find one or two things about the ghost. There was one great moment, the discovery of a special extra-terrestrial element, the ectoranium. It was a green rock similar to kryptonite but with effect only on ghosts. It was harmful for them, being able to dampen their powers. There were also many other sets of weapons created by the Fenton works but which were all destroyed by an explosion. The owners of the company were found dead in ruins of a mansion which belonged to Vlad Masters.

There was a secret mission lead by Batman, to maintain the special material. It was stored in a top secret government facility in Amity park called the GIW and it was a special organization formed to examine and fight the ghosts.

The operation went without any complications so the batfamily was able to get to work as soon as possible. There wasn't much of the material which meant that they had to work with super precision because there won't be a second chance.

A net infused with the green material, a smoke pellet and five batarangs were created. There was some remaining material but it was useless since the material wasn't able to melt, only mold and cut. Jason snuck the small shards of ectoranium in his pocket, storing it for a later use. He had a plan to mold those shards into bullets, effective against the ghost.

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