Where's Danny!

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<Before Jason's arrival>

Tho following morning was again nothing pleasant for the young halfa. He woke up cramped, lying in the corner. The only upside to this miserable situation was that he woke up warm, covered in a blanket.

"Training." Dan barked at the small human when he noticed that he was finally awake. "Bring your sword." Danny stood a little confused, still groggy from his sleep. He quickly realized what was happening and changed into his spare uniform. Strapping his training katana to his belt, he ran after the ghost.

The whole temple was dead quiet. Maybe it was because of the early morning hour or the fact that this building was inhabited by obedient assassins. Soon the halfa caught up with his ghostly counterpart, both now heading for the early morning training.

Danny looked at Dan, his features stone hard. When he was behaving normally, Danny was often able to tell what the ghost was thinking or what he was going to do by his expressions, but this ability was taken away from him. Now, he was unpredictable.

The moon still shone above their heads, illuminating the snowy mountain peaks. It was a beautiful sight if they weren't currently situated in the center of assassins headquarters. All the trainee assassins were quickly gathering on the courtyard, patiently waiting for their today's teacher.

The separated duo joined their group, standing in the back. Few trainers assistants were already there, checking their recruits if their uniforms were tied the right way. As they were walking between the lines of future assassins, an older assistant stopped right next to Danny. He drew out his sharp katana. The moon was reflecting off of the flawless weapon.

"Nice way to go." Danny thought as he prepared himself for a decapitation. With closed eyes, he waited. The slash never came, instead a warm liquid covered his face. When he dared to open his eyes again, a headless body was slowly falling to the ground.

"This should be a warning to all of you! Always wear your uniform the right way!" The elder's voice was amplified by the closed space, making him sound a little scary.

"Are you scared?" The ghost taunted, giving Danny a side glance. For once, the smirk in the ghost eyes was obvious.

" No." the halfa replied, shaking a little. Tell me, who wouldn't be shaken if someone decapitated a person right in front of your eyes, only 20 inches away from you. The blade could have easily hurt you too!

"Then you should prepare for your old friend."

"You mean Ryan?" Danny asked hopefully. A known face would be great right now. Before the ghost could tell the teen who the old friend was, the guard from their first training appeared right next to Danny.

"You're not worthy of out teaching." The guard sneered and dragged Danny into the corner again. This time, the boy knew exactly what was going to happen, he was going to get slashed and cut with a razor sharp sword.

"Please don't." Danny pleaded, scared for his life. What if the guard won't have mercy for him this time?

"Only the pathetic plead." He growled and drawn his katana. A big backswing and the sword was on his way to Danny's unprotected throat. He was about say his goodbyes to life when lout clank startled him.

"Stop." A gruffly voice spoke. The man who wanted to slice Danny open only few seconds ago obeyed and knelt on his knee.

"Please, forgive me Grand Master." Danny found himself facing the one and only, Ra's al Ghul. Why did he save his life?

"You'll come with me, the ghost too." The man said what he wanted and he was on his way inside again. Dan heard the whole commotion and he was already on his way to the inside of the temple. There was no other choice left for the young halfa so he reluctantly obeyed. He had to break into running not to lose them from his eyesight.

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