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I wasn't away for long... exactly 3 days 😂😂💁‍♀️ Here's another chapter guys, only for you.

Also please read the AN under the chapter. ONLY AFTER you read the chapter.


During dinner, Bruce made up another lame excuse for why he was going away from home. He said that Damian, Tim, Dick and him were going on an unannounced meeting they didn't know about. His excuse for bringing his three sons along was that they had to learn how to run a company.

Everyone was shocked when Danny accepted their excuse without a single question. He still seemed shaken form earlier but he kept a hard face.

The next morning, everything was packed, utility belts were full and the whole crowd stood in the Batcave, waiting for orders. Tim was looking up few last bits of information, while everyone was checking they anti-ghost equipment. Laser beams were loaded, nets were stocked and green batarangs were folded.

"Just add some music and it's like in the films." Dick laughed while fidgeting with a batarang. Tim, still sitting by the computer turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"You know, when the heroes are preparing for a battle. No?" Dick asked him.

"Tt, grow up Grayson." Damian scoffed somewhere from the inside of his uniform. He was currently putting it on, but he was struggling. Someone tangled his sleeves and he was stuck.

"I swear Drake, if it was you, I'll kill you!" Damian threatened as he threw the top off. He angrily grabbed it and went to throw it at his brother when he screamed.

"I swear to god I didn't do it! I don't know who did it." Tim peaked through his fingers which were covering his face. The small boy grunted but went to untangle his uniform.

"Stop fighting, its time to go." Bruce announced annoyed, not looking forward to being the only mature adult on this mission. Everyone put their masks on and walked towards the Zeta Tubes. A bright flash of light blinded them for a second and the next one, they were standing in a cave full of teenagers. At least half of the group wasn't here due to their personal life. It wasn't bad because the amount of member this team had, they wouldn't be able to board the Bio-ship.

"Team." Batman greeted formally, scanning the room.

"What's the mission B." Beast boy jumped up and down by Miss Martian's side. Bruce wasn't going to waste his time with an argument, he just sent a glare the green boy's way. The effect was immediate, quieting the whole chatting crowd.

"You will come as a backup team on a very important covert mission. You aren't allowed to engage until orders are given." Everyone sighed, being unhappy with the orders. They haven't been on a mission for so long, they were lacking the adrenalin.

"Your team will be ready all the time, checking the area from the sky. Use the Bio-ship and under all circumstances, the camouflage mode must be activated."

"Yes Batman, your orders are clear." Aqualad, the team leader confirmed and the team started heading to the hangar. Nightwing explained the mission yesterday when he came here to announce the news. Batman was grateful for his son's impatience and his loyalty to this team because he wasn't sure if he had the will and energy to explain everything to a band of ADHD teenagers. (*cough* Wally, Bart, BB *cough*)

Without any other comments, the team made their way to the hangar, loading the plane with supplies. They weren't sure how long the mission would last so they packed.

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