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After texting my friends I waited outside hoping to find a taxi and saw none. I open my cab booking app and started pinning my location and dropping point until a car stop infront of me. I bowed my head a little to see who is in the car.


"You're going home already?"

I nodded at P'Arthit who is in the passenger seat, if what I am thinking is right then it's probably P'Forth who's in the driver seat. I sneak a little and confirmed I was right, He just bowed his head a little at acknowledging my presence then went his stare straight at the way.

"Yes P', I am quite bored there."

"Ah. Why don't you come with us instead? We're going to Kongpop's place for another set of drinking. Let's go!"

I was about to say no but he went out the car fast and open the back seat then push me inside.

"P' is it really fine if I go there!?"

"Yup of course!"

He laughs meaningfully then looks at the driver who started the engine in no time. I look at the rearview mirror and give P'Forth an apologetic look he doesn't reply and started being serious in driving. On our way P'Arthit keeps on asking me some personal questions and all I can do is answer him I don't know why but I just shrugged the questions building up in my mind.

We arrived at our destination, we are still outside but I can already hear the loud music playing. I followed them inside and saw some of familiar faces from school, some are famous alumni and some are students who you barely see at the campus but are well known in our school website and secret files. We saw P'Kongpop sitting alone at the sofa he seems outcast in his own place? Not until I notice he is a bit drunk. He raised his head when P'Arthit calls his name and immediately went to hug him. It is a bit sweet seeing them like this, I used to follow their love story way back in Highschool so I am a bit familiar with them thanks to Kit.

"You're drunk. I told you not to right?"

P'Kong just shake his head a bit and keeps on sneakily kissing P'Arthit in the cheeks.

"I'll just tuck him to bed. I'll go down after."

He said to us while holding both P'Kong's hands to stop him from touching his cheeks, we nodded. After they left I felt a little awkward around with P'Forth. I look around to look for some close friends and saw a batchmate.

"P' I'm going to greet some friends."


I immediately leave right after that short response and went to my friends. They all greet me and asks why I am there and told them the story.

"Didn't know you're close with some famous alumni huh."

Cloud says as he gives me some drink I took that and started drinking.

"Just some of them."

"You're always humble, Beam. Let's enjoy this night before the hell week!"

Exam week, yeah.

They all shouted so I laugh at them. I didn't notice I've been drinking quite many shots until I felt a little dizzy, I excuse myself to them amd tried to look for the toilet I found one in the first floor and saw how mess is the house already. I saw some sleeping in the floor and every where in the room.

When I am inside I puke a lot, I saw unused mouth wash and opened it to use. Well, P' won't know it was me who opened it right? After doing my business even though still dizzy I tried so hard to went back to where my friends are but they are all nowhere to be found. Maybe went home already? I look around and notice the party is still going on but it has died down. I decided to look for P's when I haven't see them I decided to go home. While on my way outside I stumbled at my sleeping schoolmate I am ready to kiss the ground but someone pulled my hand.

"Why aren't you looking at where you're going to!?"

He hissed at me. He is quite handsome while being mad---wait I shouldn't think such things right now. Not now I am being scolded by him!

"You're going home already?"

His tone went back to normal bland tone, I nodded.

"Let's go."

I smell strong scent of alcohol at him. "Are you alright driving? I don't think it will be a great idea."

He thinks for a while before pulling out his handphone and doing something. After that he pulled my hand and went outside, minutes later a car stops infront of us and he pulled me inside again.

It is still awkward knowing that we are not that close. He closes his eyes and put his head on my shoulder maybe he drank too much he can't handle. I saw the driver looking at us from time to time but I just ignore it. I let him in that position and even hold unto his head everytime the car is swaying. The car stop in an unknown house so I wake P' up.

"P'... We are here..."


He opens his eyes and looks at me, because his head is in my shoulder so the space is not that too much. My eyes widen because he is so near, he fixes his self and decided to went out. I followed him maybe he paid via card coz the driver drove away I look at the house and somehow felt something about it. Familiarity? Nope.

"P'... Is this your house?"

"No, it's our---"

He stops and look at me immediately, I didn't catch the last he said so I look at him curiously, he didn't finish what he is saying and just went inside.

Once we are inside I can't help myself but be amazed at it's interior design. Something I would love. While scanning the surrounding I saw a frame with his picture on it, it was his graduation as he was in his toga and smiling from ear to ear something that I haven't seen so far.

Author's note:
Toga is an academic gown we often sees in every graduation wore by the graduates. That black and yellow (color varies in PH depending on which department the graduates belongs to. Yellow is commonly for business related courses, private schools are often different tho) gown.

He is so bright in this picture I wonder who is taking that photo. P'disappears so I enjoyed myself looking around when he appears again he is already wearing his pajama' and is in his wet look that captivates my attention.

"Do you want to take a shower?"

He asks as he looks at me with that drunk eyes. He looks sleepy yet not in the mood to sleep still.



"I said do you want to take a shower? Or do you want me to do that for you?"

He smirks at me so that made my cheeks blush. I immediately take the towel he is handing me and run to where his bathroom was. Once in I immediately look at the mirror and saw how red I am.

I started to take a bath and after that's when I realized he haven't given me any clothes! I decided to peak a little at the door and call for him.

"P'Forth! Can you lend me some clothes?"

I cross my eyebrows when he didn't respond.


Still no answer. I decided to go out of the bathroom with the towel on and look for him but was shocked when I felt someone from behind pulled me and push me in the bed.


He didn't answer. He just look down at me longingly. I almost touch his face because of the way he looks at me. It makes me want to melt.

"I really miss you."

That's all he said before lowering his head and suddenly his lips touches mine.

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