First Thoughts

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Chapter 3

Monika had slept with her cat jumping on her chest, his tail swishing back and forth against her nose and making her wake with a sneeze.

"Ugh, Ludwig! Get off me, you big baby!" Monika slurred, pushing her fat ash grey cat from her as he jumped onto the floor.

Monika sat up and was immediately greeted with the thought of a certain blue eyed princess.

Oh, right! I get to see Sayori today!

Monika leaped from her bed, an enormous grin plastered to her face.

The thought that the brunette would now be able to spend at least fourty five precious minutes with her crush gave her the motivation to get dressed and ready for school in ten minutes.

Monika shared her house with her parents, who were so busy with work in another country that she only saw them on Christmas.

Not that Monika minded, as living practically alone had many perks. Such as no bedtimes or curfews, or the ability to invite people over on a whim whenever she pleased.

She checked the clock, realizing she still had about an hour before school started.

I wonder what Sayori's doing right now...


Sayori rushed around feverishly, not realising until moments ago that she would be late for school.

She sprinted out of her house, across the highway, and into her favourite Mendy's.

"Late again, hun?" Dev, the manager and a close friend of Sayori's family, called as the young girl burst through the door.

"Yeah." Sayori panted, out of breath.

"Here ya go, hun." she handed Sayori ten dollars and a sack full of french fries.

"Thanks, Dev! I'll pay you back, I promise!" Sayori said, taking the bag.

"Don't worry about it, love! Just make sure you get to school and learn for me, okay?" Sayori nodded as she sprinted out the door.

She sprinted back across the highway and down six blocks, panting as she finally arrived at the school.

Monika had just parked her car and noticed the shorter girl coated in sweat, panting heavily with her hands on her knees.

"Hey!" Monika called with a wave.

Sayori instantly put on a pained smile and waved back weakly.

"Did you run all the way here?" Monika asked as the blonde approached her.

"Uh, yeah. I kinda don't have a car of my own. Heheh." Sayori scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"Oh, well I'm, I could give you a ride sometime. I-If you want to, of course!" Monika suggested with a smile.

"Oh, um, thanks! T-That'd be great, actually!" Sayori nodded eagerly.

"Okay, well, um... I-I'll see you at c-c-club!" Monika said as she headed off to class.

"B-Bye!" Sayori called after her, her heart hammering in her ears.


Oh gosh... I can't stop thinking about her!

Sayori felt frustrated as she stared down at her maths book with utter confusion, not comprehending a single number.

The bell rang and Sayori jumped up, eager to rush off and see Monika once more.

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