Great Kisser

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Chapter 17

(Pucker up for some cringy, sloppy, gay asf teenage kisses XD)

Sayori woke the next morning to a text from Monika.

M: Morning, beautiful~

Sayori blushed, she could practically hear Monika say that and it sent shivers through her spine.

S: Morning!<3

Sayori was quick to reply.

M: Do you want a ride today?

Monika always asked for permission as if Sayori would ever not want a chance to be near her.

S: Sure! See you in 5?

Sayori bolted up, not wanting to have told Monika she had only just woken up.

M: Sounds good ;*

(That's a kissy face for you NOOBS)

Sayori smiled as she set her phone on her bed to get dressed.

She raked the brush through her hair a few times, not bothering to brush all the way through and only making the visible parts presentable.

She grabbed her phone, dashing down the stairs and sliding her shoes on.

She grabbed her bag, stepping outside just as Monika pulled up.

"Hey." Monika smiled at her.

"Hi!" Sayori felt her heart race as it always did around Monika.

It was a familiar feeling, one she rather liked.

"So... Would you wanna.. Come over to my place after school?" Monika asked on the ride.

"Sure! Why?" Sayori asked.

"No reason. It's just... Well, I've been to your house a few times but you've never seen mine. I thought it was only fair." Monika reasoned with a shrug.

Sayori nodded in understanding, her smile widening.

I'm going to Monika's house!


They pulled into Monika's long driveway, exiting the car.

Sayori marveled at the rather large house, not huge but definately bigger than her own.

"W-Welcome." Monika said, opening the door for her.

Sayori stepped inside, glancing around the rather large den they now stood.

She followed Monika's lead and kicked off her shoes, walking behind the brunette as they made their way to Monika's room.

"Ah, this is Ludwig. Ludwig, say hi to Sayori!" she held the ash gray fatty in her arms as he eyed Sayori with disinterest.

Sayori giggled, petting him behind the ears as the cat began purring.

"He likes you." Monika said softly, watching how well two of her favorite people got along.

The cat jumped from her arms, shuffling his small behind out the door and down the hall.

Monika sat on her bed, Sayori doing the same as their knees brushed together.

"Hey, Monika..?" Sayori asked.

"Yeah?" Monika looked at her.

"I, um... I-I've never uh... Never kissed anyone before you... S-So uh... Next time... N-Next time let me know if I stink, okay?" Sayori asked, blushing as she glanced down at her lap.

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