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Chapter 15

(I assume those of y'all who read the first book know what's about to happen based off the title ;D The wait is finally overr.. after a quick sad scene. XD)

Sayori woke the next morning feeling achy yet numb from head to toe.

She stretched, completely remembering the horrible events of the previous day.

She couldn't go to school today, not like this.

I should... Stop by Dev's house... Like the officer said.

Sayori brushed her hair tiredly, shrugging on her shoes since she hadn't bothered to change her attire.


She arrived at the address listed on the baggie, taking the key out and inserting it to the door.

Sayori took a deep breath as she opened the door.

She immediately spotted a small wooden box on the coffee table, walking over to it. She had a right to look anywhere, she figured, since Dev could no longer stop her from doing so.

Inside was an assortment of letters and papers, all addressed to Sayori.

She picked one up shakily, beginning to read as she willed herself not to cry.

"Dear Sayori,
You know I'm an addict, right? Well, I've been writing you letters all the time since you were a kid in case I ever kick the bucket. This is one of them." Sayori glanced at the date, December 23rd.

"I hope things work out with you and that Monika girl, or whoever you're into now. I just want you to be happy, love. Next time you see your momma give her a good slap for me for not being there for you. You deserve your momma's love." The next part made Sayori cry.

"If possible, I'd wish you were my baby. But I know I'll never be the mom you need. I'll always be your Aunt Dev. But that doesn't stop me from loving you with all my heart. And I'm sorry I can't be there for you anymore. I really wanted to see you all grown up." Sayori wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Looks like I'm running out of space to write. Sorry, my handwriting always has been really messy. Remember, I'll always love you and I'm watching over you, okay?
Devon Reeves
(Aka the coolest Aunt ever)" Sayori smiled, putting the letter back in the box along with the others.

She stood, walking into the rooms for anything worth saving.

She decided to take the sapphire necklace Dev wore often, all of Dev's photos from her walls and albums, and the box.

Placing everything into a Wal-Mart sack, she tied it and turned to leave, locking the door after her.


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