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We arrived at Chewton Glen, everyone had arrived before us seeing as we stopped at a service station.

Brad grabbed our luggage from the boot of his car as I helped Layla out.

After we had checked in, the lady at reception led us to our room where we would be staying.

'I heard there's a big girls bed in here.' She whispered to Layla as Layla's eyes widened.

She was excited to get her own room, she loved when she had a full bed to herself.

Brad had came with me before Christmas to view a house. I instantly fell in love, as did he. The original plan was for just me and Layla to move in but I'm going to ask him if he wants to as well.

As we were unpacking and getting organised there was a knock at our door.

We opened it to reveal my mum, Brad's mum, my sister and Brad's sister.

'Get your swimming stuff, you're both going to the spa and we're taking Layla.' My mum said as they made their way in.

'We haven't booked in though.' Brad said.

'Well lucky we did for you.' His mum replied.

'You both need some relaxing time to yourselves.' My mum continued.

'Are you sure you're alright to watch her?' I asked as Layla ran to my sister.

'Of course don't be silly. You both deserve some time alone.' Nat reassured me.

A half an hour later me and Brad arrived at the spa. It was only a short walk from the room.

We gave the name 'Simpson' as our mums had booked our treatment under it.

'Okay so Simpson, two massages.' The receptionist told us before leading us to the changing rooms, leaving us with a robe and a pair of sliders each.

Once we were in our swimwear with the robe and sliders on we made our way to the treatment room.

'Hello, Simpson?' One of the ladies asked as we arrived.

'Yes.' Brad said as we nodded.

'Okay both lay down on the beds.' She said as she wondered off to the side, lifting different oils and creams.

'Both back and shoulder massages?' The man who was doing Brad's treatment asked.

'Please.' We both said.

The soft music playing in the background relaxed us both as we lay on our stomachs.

Our massage was done after 45 minutes, we thanked both Olly and Lisa who done our massages before we headed towards the pool area.

'I feel so young after that.' Brad said as with a jolly tone.

'Brad you are young.' I rolled my eyes at him.

'Well before I felt as stiff as an old man.' He said as he squished my cheeks together.

'Fuck off.' I groaned, swatting his hand away. 

'You won't be saying that later.' He smirked and winked.

'Brad we aren't having sex tonight.' I teased with a stern tone.

'Hey! I wasn't even the one who mentioned sex.' He hissed.

'You thought it.' I rolled my eyes, yet again.

'You said it.' He argued.

We reached the lounge chairs, he took his robe and sliders off before going into the pool.

He began doing laps of the pool as I lay down and watched him.

After he done a few laps he got out of the pool and walked towards me.

'Coming in for a swim?' He asked.

I shook my head causing him to lift me and carry me into the pool.

'Brad put me down!' I screeched.

Thankfully we were the only ones here so we weren't disturbing anyone else.

He carried me into the pool before I wrapped my legs around his waist and clinged onto him.

'It's freezing.' I groaned.

'Shhh you big baby.' He teased.

'Oh fuck off.' I lightly slapped him.

'Hey, I can just drop you here and you'll be even more freezing.' He mocked me.

He walked around the pool for a while, me still clinging onto him, before he leant me against one of the walls of the pool.

'I love you, so much.' He whispered as he placed his lips softly onto mine.

'I love you too.' I smiled as we pulled away.

'I'm going to miss you when you move out.' He pouted.

'Well I actually wanted to talk to you about that.' I told him.

A worried expression took over his face, not sure how the conversation would go or what it was about.

'Since you'd probably be spending a lot of time at our new house, I was wondering if you'd like to move in with us?' I asked, awaiting his reaction.

A smile spread across his face, I watched as water filled his eyes.

'I'd love to! Only if you're really sure about it?' He exclaimed before double checking.

'I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't sure. I think it would be best for not only the two of us but also Layla.' I assured him as I played with his curls.

'Okay then, yeah, I'll move in with you.' He said with a cheesy grin.

I put my lips back on his for a quick kiss.

'Have you found a house yet?' He asked.

'Well we have viewed that one the other day. It's about a fifteen minute drive from where we are now so it's handy. If we do take it then we can move in by the end of January. But we can still also look.' I explained to him.

'If you like it then I'm happy to move into it, I don't mind as long as I'm with you.' He said, pressing as kiss to my forehead.

'Should we head back to the room, get Layla and get ready to head out for dinner?' I asked him as we lay back on the loungers for a whole.

'Sure.' He said as we made our way back to the changing rooms and got changed.

'Mama! Wad!' Layla shouted, running towards us as we entered the room again.

'Hello princess.' Brad cooed as he picked her up and spun her around.

'How was it?' Anne Marie asked.

'It was so good, the massage was amazing.' I told her.

'That's good sweetie.' She smiled.

'Are you still up for dinner?' My mum asked as she returned to the room.

'Yes, are all of you?' I asked as I took a seat, Layla cuddling into my side.

She nodded, 'We booked the table for half six, if that okay?' She asked.

'Of course, that's perfect.' I smiled.

Everyone was dressed to go to dinner and now waiting for the shuttle bus to transport us from Chewton Glen to the restaurant.

Layla was cuddled up in Brad's arms, she insisted she was cold even though she was well layered up; I think it was an excuse to have a cuddle with him.

Brad's arm linked mine as I rested my head on his shoulder, I took in his scent as we awaited the bus.

I'm so excited to spend New Years with them both surrounded by our family.

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