Chapter 2

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"What do you mean they all flew away?" Tae panicked. Yoongi shushed him and covered his mouth, looking alarmingly at the closed door.

"Look, I just really need your help finding another pet store that has a ready stock of 365 doves in the back. Easy!" Yoongi chuckled.

"Hyung! This is bad. If Jungkookie finds out he's gonna go on a full on panic attack. You know how he gets when something goes wrong."

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his disheveled dongsaeng. "He's not going to find out if you help me. Look, it was my fault that they flew away, alright? So it's my responsibility to find their replacements. But even I'm not so conceited that I'd try to find them alone. So please Tae, help me."

Tae sighed. "Fine. I'll start looking online. You can search in newspapers and wedding magazines. We can gather more bases with the two of us searching. Gather all the information you can and the amount as well as price of the doves once you find anything and tell me." Yoongi nodded. "Thanks, Taehyung-ah."

Tae only smiled before waving at his hyung and re-entering the boutique. He stopped at the reception and took a deep breath before slapping his face with both hands as hard as he could, a genuine smile plastered back on his face.

He entered Jungkook's changing room to be greeted by Lisa who was giggling to a joke Jungkook had just made while playing with his hair. He tried to ignore the stabbing knife perching on his heart. "Well looks like there's a bride on the loose." he smirked, eyeing Lisa fluffy white dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, "Don't you know it's bad luck to have the groom see the wedding dress before the wedding?" he gasped dramatically.

Lisa rolled her eyes at the childhood friend before giving him a quick hug. "You tease." he sighed. "I try"

Tae's eyes wandered to Jungkook who was smiling lovingly at Lisa in his casual wear. He'd just changed back and his suit was placed neatly on the small chair Taehyung had sat on a moment ago.

He continued to stare at his dongsaeng, refusing to follow his gaze. Eventually, Jungkook looked curiously to his hyung. "What is it hyung?"

Tae snapped out of his daze, "Hm? Oh, nothing."

"What did Yoongi-hyung wanted to talk about?" Jungkook asked. Tae felt his hands begin to sweat. "Nothing. He just asked me to lend him a hand in moving the doves! Moving 365 doves isn't exactly a one man job." he chuckled, placing his sweaty palms in his jean pockets.

"Oh yea." Jungkook chuckled, "I kept telling you we should've gotten less." Lisa pouted, "But then we wouldn't have enough for each day of the year." Tae forced back the eye roll that was tempting to emerge from his sockets.

"Why didn't you get 12 doves for each month of the year instead?" Jungkook suggested. Lisa scoffed, "Because that's stupid." Which made both boys laugh.

"You know what else is stupid? This conversation?" Tae remarked, earning him a glare from the couple. "I have to get going. I'm helping Jin-hyung with the wedding cake after this." he lied. Actually, that was tomorrow, but he couldn't stand staying there alone with the couple any longer.

Jungkook frowned, saddened that his favorite, but he would never admit it, hyung was going to leave, "I'm sorry hyung. You're so busy because you're doing so much for our wedding."

"Hey, I have to at least act like the best man shouldn't I? This is my cute dongsaeng and childhood friend's precious wedding after all." Tae winked, already inching for the door.

"I wish you'd at least ask for help from the others." Lisa frowned, "You know, Jenny and Jisoo are done with all the decorations."

"I'd appreciate their help. I'll ask them once I'm done with my errand today. Thanks Lisa" Lisa smiled sadly.

With that, Tae walked away from the boutique. Once the door was closed, he began running, trying to get rid of all the bad thoughts swirling around his head.

"I should just go numb already."

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