Chapter 7

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It was 11 a.m. and Taehyung was on his way home. The members had allowed him to take the rest of the day to himself to apologize for the day before.

He'd gotten a text from Jungkook 3 hours ago asking him if he needed any help. He'd assured him he didn't and that Yoongi-hyung had come to help him as well. Jungkook had gone quiet after that and Tae didn't get another response.

He opened the door to be bear hugged into the cold floor by a large body, too big to be Yoongi's. So he assumed it was a burglary. "I don't have any money! Please, I'm too young to die!" he cried.

The large man on top of his trembled and Taehyung cautiously opened his eyes to see Jungkook holding out from laughing. Taehyung's eyes widened, "Jungkook?! Why are you here?!" he stammered.

"I came to help with the doves." Jungkook smiled. Tae froze, "u-uh. What doves? What are you talking about hahaha, there's no doves her-" "Jin-hyun told me. He's got a pretty lose mouth you know." Tae became speechless before utterly giving up. All his attempt of keeping the problem on the down low failed.

"Well, now you know." Tae sighed, throwing his arms down in frustration, "I'm a failure of a best man. Not even able to keep that in check."

Taehyung dragged his feet as he walked inside his room sullenly, inly greeted by Yoongi's sympathetic expression. He saw Yoongi's shadow coming closer before his vision was blocked by a pair of muscly arms.

Tae's face heated up into a red velvet cake as he realized Jungkook was back-hugging him. "Hyung you're a great first man. The best." Jungkook whispered. Tae smiled into the hug and snuggled closer, feeling more of the warmth enveloping his slightly smaller body. They were around the same height, which made it easier to hug each other.

For a moment Tae forgot the existence of the third party, and for a moment, so did he. That was until he spoke up, "We need to get going." Yoongi said bitterly. The two held off for a moment before finally letting go. Tae faced Jungkook with a smile and patted his chest, "Thanks, Kookie."

He wanted so badly to kiss him, letting his hand linger for a second too long, not wanting to let go. Jungkook smiled his bunny smile, seeming unaffected by the unconscious gesture, which hurt so much more. Eventually he'd let go and they went to go pick up the doves.

"So why did you go home so early suddenly? I thought you'd be back around midnight." Yoongi asked casually. He'd sat on the passengers seat whilst Tae was driving. Jungkook had reluctantly sat at the back after losing at rock paper scissors with Yoongi.

"Apparently they wanted to apologize to me for yesterday. It was the anniversary of their past manager's death, so they were really sensitive." Tae said sadly. Yoongi scoffed, "That's no excuse for treating you like a dog."

Tae chuckled, "Maybe it isn't, but I do understand their pain. She was their maknae's sister, and apparently the oldest's fiancé. She died in the most unfortunate way too."

"This is why you're always the one getting hurt Taehyung-ah. You're too soft on people. Get mad when you need to." Yoongi sighed, genuinely worried for his dongsaeng.

Tae pouted, giving a glance at Yoongi, "I do get mad tho~"

As their conversations continued, the two hyungs failed to notice the burning glare being shot their way by their maknae who sat quietly during the whole car ride.

"Hey, we're here." Jungkook stated, which shocked the two who hadn't heard from him for the whole car ride. "Oh right."

Tae parked the car in front of a rather large pet shop. His eyes gleamed at the barking puppies in the front window pane. "Puppies~" he cooed as his body slammed into the window, face smashed on the cold glass.

The puppies' tales wiggled vigorously at the sight of him as they all gathered in front of him, tongues out and wet. "Hello puppies~ I wanna take you home~"

Jungkook cooed at the sight of him, standing behind him patiently. Yoongi had been the last to come out and had smiled at the sight of his dongsaeng. The three had forgotten about the aim of their trip to the pet shop.

Suddenly the doorbell rung and out came a frail looking young man, a shy smile on his face. "Uhm, excuse me sirs. Are you coming in or..?" he stammered.

Tae blinked at the guy that seemed only a few years younger than a blushed. "Uhm. Yes." he coughed. Yoongi and Jungkook resisted the urge to laugh.

"So what can I do for you?" the clerk asked. "We're actually picking up and order for 44 doves." Tae stated. The clerk perked up, "Oh! Mr. Kim, we've been expecting you all morning! Please wait a moment."

The clerk hustled to the door that led to the back storage as the three watched him in adoration. "He's so cute~ I wanna adopt him~" Tae whined. "That'd be kidnapping, hyung."

"I don't care~ I want another dongsaeng. The one I've got's leaving me in a few days." Tae pouted bitterly. "Hey, don't worry." Yoongi suddenly interjected. He wrapped an arm around Taehyung's shoulders, bringing their face closer together with a smirk. "Once that muscle pig's out for his honeymoon we'll spoil you as our new maknae all you want." A blush formed on Tae's face from Yoongi's deep hoarse voice.

"We'll even get you a puppy if you get lonely." Yoongi whispered. Tae's eyes widened as a smile formed on his face. "Really?!" Tae jumped, loosening Yoongi's grip on his shoulders only to land into a hug. "Thank you, hyung~!"

Yoongi squeezed the younger's body as he glanced condescendingly towards the stone cold Jungkook. Jungkook was about to say something when the clerk suddenly reappeared, holding cages full of snow white doves. "C-can anyone please help?" he squeaked, squished beneath the mountains of cages.

The three boys rushed to take two cages each off the boy's shoulder. Each cage held around 5 to 6 doves, with each dove being louder than a car's horn. This wasn't going to be a pleasant ride.

Once all the doves were loaded at the back, the boys went back into their seats. Jungkook rushed to get into the passengers seat, smirking at the glaring Yoongi. Tae was casually going back to his seat at the driver's chair and failed to notice the tension inside the car.

"You sure you don't want me to drive?" Jungkook offered. Tae politely declined, "You're the special guest here. Besides, you don't know the route to Bogum-hyung's house."

The two froze at the name of the ever so familiar man. "C-come again?" Yoongi stuttered. Tae nostalgically turned the steer as he responded, "we're going to Bogum's to get the rings."

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