Chapter 11

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This will be updated every tuesday AUS time from now on :D

"Jungkook-ah!" Lisa pouted. Jungkook woke up from his daze, attention back to his fiance, "Huh, what is it?" Lisa glared at him sulkily, "I asked you which colour we should use for the limo."

"Ah, the limo. Right." Jungkook sighed. Thinking of limos and carpets was not something he wanted to do right now. In two days he was about to get married to his best friend's childhood friend, the one he was in love with for 6 years. He was beginning to question if this really was what he should be doing.

I can't back out now...There's nothing waiting for me back there anyway. 

"Jungkook! You're spacing out again!" Jungkook groaned in annoyance. Taehyung couldn't come with them because he was rechecking the wedding gifts with Yoongi. The thought of it alone irked him even more.  "Make it purple for all I care!" he grumbled. Lisa gasped as if he had just yelled at her, "You know I hate the colour purple!" 

Tae's favourite colour is purple...

"Right... Then you can choose the colour you like." he said lifelessly. Lisa glared at her fiance, but it soon turned sad. "Why... do you sound sadder the closer we get to the wedding?" she asked weakly. Jungkook couldn't muster enough strength to comfort her, instead he forced a smile, "I'm so happy though?"

Lisa stared at him for a while, knowing that wasn't true. She ignored the whispers at the back of her mind and insisted that he really was happy. "I know" she smiled, "That's why I'm asking you to help me here! I wanna have a good time spending it with you~"

Jungkook forced himself to listen to his fiance, setting aside all the useless thoughts he could worry about after deciding the limo. It's not like thinking about it's gonna change anything.

"So let me get this straight, you ordered 300 mini cakes instead of 100?" Taehyung sighed. This felt like Deja Vu all over again. Jimin nodded guiltily. "I've been eating as much as I can but I think I'm gonna die if I eat any more cakes today." he made a puking motion. Taehyung groaned in frustration, "Alright, it's fine. At least this time we aren't lacking anything. We may be slightly over budget now, but I can probably try getting a discount on the band by only making them play half the songs and maybe get rid of some staff... We're a bit lacking on them though." 

Jimin frowned, "I'm so sorry Tae... I didn't realise the mistake when I ordered them since I was also busy ordering the wedding decorations..." Taehyung shook his head and smiled calmly, "It's fine really. I'm used to mishaps by now."

Yoongi looked pitifully at his dongsaeng, "Taehyung-ah, how about you come with me for a minute." he grabbed Taehyung's hand that continued to profusely write up adjustment notes. "Uhm, hyung...can this wait for a moment? I need to-" 

"Nope. You need to come now." Yoongi stared sternly at the younger man. Taehyung sighed again, "Alright..." Yoongi took the clipboard out of his hands and dropped it to the table, "And you should leave this behind."

Yoongi dragged Taehyung to the park that was near the venue, empty since it was already night time. "What do you need me to do?" Taehyung whispered lethargically. Yoongi smiled and pulled his hand down, making Tae fall into the bench. "Wh-what-"

Before he could say anything, Yoongi pushed his head against his shoulder, "I need you to take a 10 minute break and relax." Taehyung was flabbergasted, "Hyung! I have no time for this. The wedding is in-"

"I don't freaking care when the wedding is. Your health is way more important that some one day event that's not even yours." Yoongi scolded, pushing Taehung's head back against his shoulder. Taehyung blushed again, staying quiet this time.

Yoongi smiled down at him, "Good boy"

" know I'm gay right?" Taehyung muttered. "Yeah?" Yoongi was nervous now, "You're kind, hyung. But sometimes I'll misunderstand your actions if you treat me so well." Yoongi blushed, his heart pounding out of his chest.

"...What if I wanted you to misunderstand?"

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