Chapter 13

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"Huh?" Tae felt his heart drop from his chest. He knew he shouldn't get his hopes up, but fresh after hearing what Yoongi had to say, his mind was a little messy at the moment. He panicked as he felt the heat rise up to his cheeks, scared that Jungkook would realise what he was thinking.

He quickly averted his gaze and laughed nevously, "D-don't say such this Jungkook-ah! Wh-hat if Lisa heard you say this haha, she's gonna kick both of our asses." he joked around. From his peripheral vision, he saw Jungkook's facial muscles tightened and relaxed, "Right" he chuckled with an empty voice, "Guess I took my joke too far."

The blush that formed on Tae's face drained quicker than it had formed. Right, of course it was a joke. He cursed himself for believing a word Yoongi had said even for a moment. Get it together. This was Jungkook we're talking about.

He mustered up his usual smile, "Right." he choked, "Wouldn't want to die before your wedding" he chuckled. Jungkook followed suit, " wedding."

An awkward silence filled the air. Something that neither had ever experienced when they were together. It was always so easy when they were alone; just the two of them. But right now, the only thing either wanted to do was run away and hide in the farthest corner away from each other.

Jungkook took Taehyung's joke as a dismiss of his feeling, and Taehyung took Jungkook's confession as a joke. Sometimes, as the author, even I get frustrated writing about these two.


It was one day before the wedding, and everyone was the busiest they've ever been. Taehyung was on his way to pick up the wedding dress from the dryers and still had to help out Jin with moving the cake to the venue. Everyone else were busy setting up the tables, chairs, and decorations as the venue was a little on the larger side as per Lisa's request.

On the way to the shop, Taehyung's thoughts were empty. He had felt so much heart break and experience so much worry over the past few months that when the time was actually near, he had emptied out all his emotions. The only thought that ran through his head being the direction to the dryers.

Perhaps it was for the best that things ended up like this. This was what he wanted, to always be together with Jungkook. If he got married to Lisa, they would surely meet each other for the rest of their lives, since Lisa's family and his were as close as relatives.

He'll have to greet them at every family gathering, each year seeing them get closer and closer. Then someday, Lisa will show up pregnant, and Jungkook would have the proudest expression on his face. And he'll be happy for them. A child from him and Lisa would definitely be the most beautiful child in the world.

They'll have Lisa's eyes, Jungkook's smile, maybe even his dimple. Then Taehyung would be known as Ahjusshi, and he'd adore them as if they were his own. Because he just couldn't hate the child from Jungkook and Lisa, his two most precious people.

Water dripped down his lifeless face, and empty sobs cluttered the car. His heart did not ache, but again he found himself crying. He was so tired of keeping everything in, pretending like he was the happiest about their marriage. He wanted so bad to just turn the car around, kiss Jungkook, and leave everything behind.

But he was a coward, after all.

Slowly, as if his sadness had increased tenfold, he broke down crying, watery eyes trying their hardest to stay focused on the road. He can't break now. One more day. He told himself. You can hold it in for another day.

As if that was all he needed to hear, his tears instantly stopped, revealing red puffy eyes that couldn't have been the eyes of a man that was supposed to be celebrating a wedding.

He blinked fast, trying hard to readjust his eyes to the bright light that was stinging him through the car window. As he did so, he took a sharp turn to the left, almost missing his route. What he did not see coming, was a different car, larger than his own, that was speeding through that same road towards him.


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