Chapter 10

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This was in my draft for a while so I decided to post it lol

"Ya! Why'd you took so long?" Jimin scowled at the three men.

Taehyung's face lit up at the sight of his former classmate and other best friend, and he rushed to hug him, dropping his bags carelessly on the ground. Jimin gladly returned the hug tighter.

"Jiminie~ I missed you~" Tae smiled. Jimin resisted to smile, trying to act mad, "You made me wait for you for two hours already~ What happened?"

"We almost lost the doves again." Jungkook chuckled guiltily. "That may or may not be my fault." Tae mumbled. Jimin's eyes widened before he ripped Tae from his arms and slapped his shoulder harshly, making him yelp a little. "This is why I should've went with you! You're always so-"

Tae gave Jimin his best puppy dog eyes and Jimin gave in, no longer feeling mad at the slightly younger male. "You're lucky you're younger than me." he sighed, squeezing Tae's cheeks. To which the younger smiled.

"Jimin-ssi" Jungkook interrupted, Jimin gave a knowing sigh, "Yes, Jungkook-ssi."

"Weren't you supposed to be finishing up decorations with Lisa?"

"Actually, I just did. We finished a day earlier than expected. I've still got time to pick you guys up and head to Jin-hyung's bakery to help him and Hoseok." he said proudly.

Taehyung hugged his friend with pride, "Jiminie~ you're the best." Of course he was, he's Jimin!

"Alright!" Taehyung clapped his hands together, earning the attention of the others, "What do you guys say we all help Jin-hyung right now?"


They arrived at Jin's bakery with scowls on their faces as they watched Jin and Namjoon making out on the counter beside the half-finished cake on the floor.

"Ahem" Jungkook coughed. The two quickly pulled away, Jin blushing madly while Namjoon scowled at Jungkook. "What?" he spat.

"Well, we were going to help you with the cake. But it seems you've got everything covered." Jungkook chuckled. "Oh! That's great! Hoseok just left since he said that he'd forgotten something at home so we're a little lacking in manpower right now."

"Doesn't seem like it" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, earning a glare from the older.

"Just help me move the damn cake."

Yoongi and Jungkook quickly went to each side of the 5 layered cake and moved it up to the counter in one swing. "Don't you think this cake is a bit...excessive?" Jungkook asked hesitantly.

"Well, the bride was very specific. 5 layers, each a different flavor but all the flavors should mix well with each other and covered in white icing along with a flower path going through the side in a spiral up to the very top where there should be a large white flower that has a big enough surface to place your bride and groom figures on." Jin said in one breath. "Oh, and the color must be snow white and all the flowers must be made from edible fondant."

"Well, Lisa can be a bit extravagant." Tae chuckled. He patted Jungkook on the back, "Just go with it. Happy wife, happy life." Jungkook nodded and bit his lip.

"But don't you think it's still a little overboard?"

Tae stared at the cake, "I think it's pretty. Although I personally would've preferred 2 less layers on it and a fully chocolate cake." Jungkook nodded again in agreement, "Chocolate cake sounds really good right about now..."

"Well sadly it isn't you guys' wedding. It's his and Lisa's, and the bride is always right." Jin giggled. Taehyung's heart throbbed and he resisted the urge to cry a little. What he didn't know was that a certain someone beside him felt the same way.

"Uhm, I-I'll help you with the frosting!" Tae forced a smile. "I can help too." Jimin chimed in, drawing circles on his friend's back soothingly, sympathizing with him.

Jin smiled, still oblivious to the atmosphere, "Great! Jungkook, Yoongi, you guys help namjoon make the flowers. He keeps breaking them." he sighed.

"It's not my fault dried frosting's so fragile!" Namjoon groaned, glaring at the broken pieces in his hands.

"Alright Jungkook-ah. Let's help our poor Joonie." Yoongi chuckled. Namjoon glared at Yoongi, "Hyung~" The maknae chuckled as his hyungs fought like children, with one teasing the other while the other whining at the older to stop. He glanced to the other side towards his others hyungs, specifically a certain black haired boy.

"Ah! Jiminie, you put to much frosting on that side." Tae whined. "Oh oops, my bad." the shorter giggled, quickly use his finger to wipe the frosting off and ate it. "That's so gross" Tae scowled. Jimin stuck out his tongue before continuing to fix his messy side of the cake.

Jungkook giggled to himself as he watched Taehyung cutely scolding his slightly older hyung, knowing how close they actually were. He watched as Jin moved behind the two and hit their heads for not focusing on work and smiled fondly.

Suddenly he felt eyes watching him and he glanced over at Namjoon who was smirking at him and blushed before quickly focusing back on molding the flowers. As soon as his head turned, Taehyung's focus shifted to the young maknae, looking fondly at Jungkook who was struggling to mold the fondant into perfect flower petals. A sad smile appeared on his face at the thought of how hard the younger was working to please his fiancé. He soon shook off his thoughts and went back to work as soon as he felt a pair of burning eyes drilling a hole through his skull.

Yoongi watched his two dongsaengs carefully. A bit confused but also knowing what those stares meant, despite not wanting to believe it. He got rid of the thought and simply thought of it as a weird coincidence, instead opting to tease Jungkook's horrible crafting abilities some more.

"Hey Jin-hyung! Sorry it took so long~" Hoseok's loud voice suddenly chimed through the echoes of the door. Tae saw Jimin's body visibly perking up at the sound of his favorite hyung.

Hoseok soon appeared with his usual heart shaped smile. "Oh! Everyone is here~" Hoseok's eyes shifted to Yoongi, "Even the grumpy grandpa's here!" he teased, swinging on arm around Yoongi. He glared at him playfully, "You're as annoying as ever I see." They both smiled at each other for a moment and forgot about the rest of the group.

From the corner of his eyes, Tae saw Jimin's face sunken sadly from not being paid attention to. Jimin was always one to like attention, but he gets a bit pouty when he doesn't get it. Tae hugged his best friend tightly, "Jiminie~ I'll hug you~" Jimin smiled at his friend's nice gesture and hugged back just as tightly. Both boys were enjoying their hug when suddenly a third uninvited party joined in, separating them and placing himself awkwardly in the middle of the hug.

"Uhm, what are you doing Kookie?" Tae asked, trying to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. "I felt left out~" he simply said, not looking at his hyung. Jimin gave him a look and Jungkook glared at him to shut up.

"Ya! Why are you guys having hugging parties now? Get back to work!" Jin yelled. Taehyung rolled his eyes at his hyung who was currently like a little chipmunk getting angry while being hugged by a koala.

"We can take 5 minutes off hyung~" Namjoon whispered. Jin blushed, his mouth zipping shut. "O-ok fine. 5 minutes and that's it."

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