Preference 3 :)

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I started reading some other preference stories I really enjoy for inspiration, and I realized how boring these little stories are :')

What incident brought you closer :)

(still as friends, sorry :))

WARNINGS: Minor cursing


He actually got into a fight at the park. Some guy started making jabs at him, saying 'he looked like a stick', or just straight up calling him baby face. He obviously threw insults back, but things really got heated when the man started including you in his jokes, calling you things like 'whore' and 'bitch'.

It turns out scout isn't as weak as he looks, and he beat the guy to a pulp. You were happy scout defended you, and he was glad he beat up the man.

He saved you from a wild animal attack. You had gone out looking for a good place to set traps while sniper was back at the camp. You were about to head back to grab some water when you heard a growl behind you.

Terrified, you turn around only to come face to face with a huge coyote. You were about to call out to sniper before it suddenly lunged at you. You heard a loud CRACK of a gun and saw the animal fall to the floor. Spinning around, you see sniper look up from the scope attached to his rifle. To you, he was a hero.

Because you two met often at bars or elite parties, you were definitely comfortable around each other (although you knew almost nothing about each other). Sending away people trying to make advances wasn't anything new to either of you, but one night someone took it too far.

While you were distracted, a man sitting next to you drugged your drink. He managed to get you walking with him to the exit of the bar. When spy saw you weren't at the bar anymore, he immediately knew something was wrong, because who leaves a bar at 9:40 PM? He noticed you walking towards the exit with an unfamiliar man and silently followed you outside.

When the man opened his car door, spy stabbed him in the back. He ended up taking you to his home and stayed with you until you felt better. To you, you were forever in his debt.

You got a really bad case of the flu and he took care of you. You and soldier really bonded over the time you were sick because he was constantly watching over you saying, "IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, YOU CANNOT FIGHT COMMUNISTS!"

He was actually a very caring and gentle guy; sometimes making you his special "VERY AMERICAN" soup or holding your hair back when you threw up. He showed his caring and sensitive side to you, and you really appreciated it. And even though he won't admit it, he really enjoys making soup.

He helped you out in a sad time. Your boyfriend of 3 and half years had just broken up with you, and you didn't know who else to call but him. When he heard your voice, he chuckled slightly, asking if you had gotten stranded again. But when he heard you sniffle a few times, he immediately asked what was wrong. You asked if you could stop by and of course he said yes.

As soon as you got out of you car, he walked up and hugged you. You didn't know you needed a hug until then, and you just started sobbing again. He closed down the whole shop for the day just to listen to your problems.

You two literally bonded over a fire. Kinda.

He randomly showed up to your door one day and dragged you to your neighbors back yard. It turns out he lit a bonfire and wanted to share it with you. You talked and gossiped with him until he let the fire die out (which was a good while). Although he only talked and replied with a "Hmmphmm!", you already felt closer to him.

You two saved a lady from a weird pervert. Before demo got completely drunk, he noticed a rather uncomfortable girl sitting at a table with a much older guy. The man was getting a little too close and grabby with the young lady, so he immediately alerted you, and you both intervened.

You helped the lady move to a much more crowded place close to the bar while demo "escorted" the weird man out of the building. Once everything was done, he talked about how "guys are so gross these days". You really respected him and admired him after that, and he was glad you listened and helped him.

He saved your life. During a battle, you took severe injuries to your head, messing with the re-spawn system thing Medic implanted into your brain. He knew if he didn't save you quickly, you would die permanently. He rushed to your side and told everyone to quickly push the bomb into the other base.

Because you had brain injuries, you weren't fully conscious, and only remember snippets of what happened. You remember Medic picking you up and rushing you to the Med bay. After that you only remember slipping in and out of consciousness, always seeing Medic by your side, while the others visit every now and then. When you fully woke up, you noticed him sleeping with his head on your bed. After that you trusted him with your life.

Someone tried to mug you.

Like seriously... who would have thought that?But oh boy did he regret it when he noticed a huge, towering shadow loom over him.

Heavy literally said, "Come back when you become a man", then picked him up, slung him over his shoulder, and threw the man into a dumpster. You were happy to learn he would throw a man in a dumpster for you.


Im still having a lot of trouble coming up with stories for soldier, heavy and pyro D:

But it wouldn't be the same without them so the show must go on ;)

Anyway, thanks for reading! If you have any requests or writing tips, feel free to comment them!

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