Preference 13 :)

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What he does when he gets jealousss

OwO this should be interesting lol


When scout gets jealous, he's not afraid to show it. He gets very angry, and won't hesitate to give anyone a piece of his mind. If they don't back off, it usually ends with a fight. Due to scouts speed and *ahem* small stature, he can usually beat anyone he's up against. But when he needs some help,  you don't mind stepping in and punching the other guy in the face.

At first sniper gets nervous. He pulls you closer too him and just tries to wait it out. But if the guy doesn't take a hint, or if he makes you too uncomfortable, then sniper will definitely step in. After that, he'll pull out his knife and start talking reeeeaaalllly slowly. That usually get the message across very well.

Spy gets very jealous, very easily. But it's always a gamble when he gets jealous.

Will he pull the guy away and threaten him, scaring the poor fool half to death? Or will he dip you down and give you a looong kiss, while he flips off the other guy?

Who knows! Both ways usually end up with the guy dead anyways, but where's the fun in telling it like that?

It's very weird with soldier. It's strange, because sometimes he gets super jealous, and other times not at all.

When he's not jealous, he ends up bothering the man until he feels too uncomfortable and leaves. He'll say things like, "HELLO! Would you mind giving me your ears? I promised my lady friend that I'd have her necklace done by Monday!"

When he does get jealous though, he gets very protective of you. He'll  tell the guy off and pull you closer to him. If the guy doesn't stop, then let's hope he likes the taste of a dirty shovel.

Engineer would stay calm the entire time. He'll just grab you by the waist and politely tell the guy to get lost.

God bless that poor mans soul if he doesn't back off.

When they don't 'get lost' like engineer suggested, he'll have a good chuckle, before pulling that guy close and whispering something into his ear. When Engie let's go, that man is as pale as a ghost. He shakily apologizes to you and promptly leaves.

Pyro doesn't understand that someone else might try to flirt with you, so he doesn't pay much attention to other men.

But when you get uncomfortable.. that's where Pyro steps in. It doesn't take much for people to turn on their heels and run, when you have an angry pyro staring you down.

Demo gets very mad. Usually a good yelling at from a big, drunk Scottish cyclops is enough to scare anyone off. But the brave few who stay are actually the stupid ones.

Demo isn't afraid of getting his hands a little dirty, and won't hesitate to blow someone up; or just straight-up fistfight them.

Medic gets a little crazy. He doesn't have a problem taking the man aside and casually saying, "I will use you body for meine experiments if you don't leave us alone. Have a lovely evening, mein freund!"

And if they still don't get the message? Kill them, take the organs, and his head! He has a whole fridge in his lab dedicated to the heads of people he has had to kill for that very reason.

Heavy has never had a reason to be jealous. Ever. People take one look at him, and walk the other way. If only they knew what a gentle giant he turned out to be.

But there was that one time a man tried to go up and flirt with you. You laughed and said you were with someone. When he kept pushing, you just called for Heavy.

The second heavy arrived, the man looked as if he had just seen his worst fears come true. He almost crapped his pants right there.


I've been posting these often because I'm procrastinating all my homework :')

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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