Preference 40 :)

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Wow guys; we already at preference 40!! Should I do something for preference 50 or no? I don't even know what I would do but I'm open to suggestions lol

This is just a little filler chapter that I thought would be fun to do! I saw the format on tumblr and I immediately wrote all of these!

I expect this to flop because it isn't even a preference really, but I really liked it so I decided to post it :)




Favorite thing about them:
He's a fast little Boston boy :) ok seriously, I just love his over-all character and his story and I love how you can interpret his personality in a bunch of different ways. And that's a fact.

Least favorite thing about them:
I love everything about him! Nothing bad can be said about this Boston hottie 😳✌️

Favorite line:
"Say goodbye to your kneecaps, chucklehead!" And of course, "BONK!"

brOTP (this is friends y'all):
Definitely Scout x Sniper! A really good friendship is often hinted at in the comics and in some of the little animation videos too! They are totally BFFs and nothing can change my mind

Mmm Scout x Pauling is pretty spicy

nOTP (friend/relationship-wise):
Scout x Medic. I honestly think Scout would be bored to death with Medic (or really scared of him)

Random headcanon:
He sleeps with his socks on. I know for a fact he sleeps with socks. It's proven- don't question it.

Unpopular opinion:
Scout is one of the hottest characters (idk if this is unpopular, but here we are)

Song I associate them with:
"Don't stop me now"- Queen or "Blitzkrieg Bop"- Ramones


Favorite thing about them:
He's an anti-social hitman with a secret heart of gold (probably). I also like how they tied his backstory with the main plot in the comics

Least favorite thing about them:
I don't like his yelling voice lines. His voice goes from "mmh smexy deep voice" to "15 year old going through puberty"
Oop don't @ me

Favorite line:
"I reckon you're gonna get real used to lookin' up at me." MMMMM

brOTP (this is friends y'all):
Obviously Sniper x Scout! They're like brothers :)

Does Sniper x Me count? No? Damn. I don't ship him with anyone in game, but I ship him with my OC (I'll probably tell y'all about her later)

nOTP (friend/relationship-wise):
Honestly I can't see Sniper x Soldier. Like they could be acquaintances, but I can't see Sniper really enjoying Soldiers company when it's 1 on 1

Random headcanon:
Sniper can and will sleep anywhere with a surface. He just doesn't give a shit.

• Unpopular opinion:
He's the number 1 merc, tied with Scout ✌️ (he's one of the hottest too👀)

Song I associate them with:
"You're dead"- Norma Tanega


Favorite thing about them:
He is secretly a huge dork. If you read some of his voice lines, he has the cutest responses to things. (And is also secretly very childish)

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