Preference 8 :)

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These are just some cute little nicknames you have for each other OwO

I really think these are super cute and writing them just makes me want to be in a relationship lmao

Also sorry if the formatting is a little confusing, I didn't really know another way to put it :(

His- player, babe, speedy, cutie
Yours- baby, good lookin, hot-stuff, beautiful

His- bushman, piss-man, snipes, outback
Yours- Sheila, love, 'roo, koala

His- spy, [insert real name here]
Yours- petit chou-fleur, mon amour

His- hero, big guy, Mr. Doe
Yours- cupcake, darling, son (nobody knows why he calls you son, but it happens)

His- smart guy, engie, honeybuns, cowboy
Yours- darlin', honeybuns, angel, sweetness, pumpkin

His- fire bug, cutie pie, hot tamale
Yours- marshmallow, sunshine

His- bomb-boy, cyclops, baby boo
Yours- lass, love, beautiful

His- doctor, medicine-man, sweetie, handsome
Yours- meine geliebte, sweetheart, darling

His- teddy bear, misha, heavy weapons guy
Yours- little birdie, моя любовь {moya lyubov}

I wanted to know if you guys want me to put the translation for what the Mercs say down here. Do you guys want me to translate, or nah?
I haven't been doing it because I personally like to look up what the translations are, but I never really considered you guys, sorry lol. So please tell me in the comments!

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)

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