Preference 36 :)

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Ok, so this chapter is the REAL request! Because I have the Big Brain :)

Make sure you give me all your Questions, because tomorrow is the cut off! Ask as many Qs as you would like!

I still couldn't find a great picture, but I like this one so here you go :)

His reaction to you giving birth :0 crazy wild bro

I also added in the genders of the kid, because I felt like that would be cuter :)

Requested by  

WARNINGS: I'm not going into the weird/gross stuff, but this topic might make people uncomfortable so you have been warned 



Scout wasn't actually in the room when you were giving birth. He got kicked out for being too much of a distraction to all the doctors. In the waiting room, he couldn't stop pacing back and forth. It was endearing to the other people sitting down for the first few minutes, because he kept telling everyone he was going to be a father. But it got annoying very fast

He tried getting back into the room a few times, but they didn't let him. Once you finally gave birth, they let him back into the room. He exploded through the doors, and frantically looked around for you and his new kid. When he saw the both of you, he teared up and slowly walked towards the bed. 

When he picked up his new daughter, he burst out into tears and started laughing. He crashed into a chair right next to you and held your hand as he carried his daughter comfortably in his other arm. He let you sleep while he smiled at the kid, promising to give her the best life he possibly could.


Sniper was allowed to stay in the delivery room. He stood next to you the entire time and helped you throughout the process. He didn't know what to do exactly, but he let you squeeze his arm when things got too painful. It hurt him to see you in so much pain, but he knew all your struggles for the last 9 months would be rewarded with a beautiful child. Your child. "Our child."

When you gave birth, he felt more shocked than anything. He just couldn't believe he actually semi-settled down with the love of his live and got a chance to raise his own kid. He was the first to hold his new son (excluding the doctors), and all he could do was smile and stare at his boy. After a few hours together, both Sniper and his son fell asleep together. When a nurse came in, you asked him to take a picture of them. It was the best photo ever taken.


Spy was kicked out of the room because he was yelling at the doctors for "man-handling" you. After a few minutes of him being gone, you randomly felt something -or rather- someone, squeeze your hand. You were scared of course, and yelped in surprise, but you immediately realized it was none other than Spy. The doctors didn't have a surprised reaction, because they thought you were just feeling a contraction.

There wasn't much Spy could do except hold your hand and try to sooth you as best he could. After you gave birth, Spy kissed your forehead and got up to hold his daughter. When he just appeared out of no where, the doctors were too tired to say anything. He was so, wonderfully happy holding his new baby girl. He  vowed to not make the same mistakes twice.


Soldier was surprisingly not kicked out of the delivery room. He was still loud, yes, but he helped you get through the birth very much. And despite the doctors suggesting he leave, you refused to let him go. He let you squeeze his hand and kept yelling, "PUSH! PUSH, GOD DAMN IT! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, AND YOU LOOK AMAZING, BUT I'M DEMANDING YOU TO PUUUSHH!"

When your son was finally born, he congratulated you and kissed your cheek. The doctors handed him his newborn child, and he was giggling the whole time. For a while, he kept referring to his son with multiple names, like "George" or "America". You both settled on the name Abraham (abe) Doe.


Engineer was smiling the whole time. He was holding you hand and saying encouraging things to help you get through it. But on the inside, he was scared as shit. He was nervous about his kid, he was nervous about you, he was nervous about a lot of things. But he put on a warm face; because you didn't need more stress and worry.

After a while, you finally delivered a beautiful baby girl. He started crying for the third time that day (and rightfully so; he just became a father!)! He let you rest while carrying the baby and walking around the room, promising to give her the best life. "And I wont let you go near any boys, ya hear?"


The doctors asked him to leave because he made them too nervous. When he refused, they didn't dare ask again. He sat next to you, and would occasionally pull his mask off half-way and mumble something encouraging to you. Whenever you screamed, he would jump up and grab your hand.

It went by surprisingly fast though, and soon your little girl was born. The doctor quickly gave Pyro his child, and all of the medical staff immediately left the room. Once the door had been locked behind them, Pyro took off his mask and stared at his baby girl with tears streaming down his face. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and gave her to you. He didn't put his mask back on until the next day.


Demo winced every time you would scream or groan in pain. He knew he couldn't do much, but he helped the best he could. He supported you, and calmed you, and let you squeeze his hand whenever something felt like it was too much (Which was often). 

After a long while though, a beautiful baby girl was born. He immediately started crying as soon as he set his eye on her. He was a little hesitant to hold her at first; because he feared he would somehow drop her or hold her incorrectly. But as soon as he picker her up, he realized he never wanted to let her go. That moment was the happiest day of his life.


Since Medic ended up delivering the child himself, he kept switching from serious doctor to emotional father. One minute he'd be spitting out doctor-lingo-words, the next, he's gushing and worrying about being a father. Growing tired and annoyed at his constant switch of perspectives, you shouted, "JUST DELIVER YOUR DAMN BABY ALREADY!"

That was like a real slap in the face for him, because , "Heilige Scheiße, ich werde Vater..". As quickly as you could, you delivered a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Medic started crying tears of joy, and you gave an exhausted laugh. An hour later, all three of you fell asleep; with you leaning against Medic and Medic carrying his new child in his arms.


Heavy had to leave the delivery room because he was too big and would get in the way of the doctors. While in the waiting room, Heavy "accidentally" broke the vending machine and grabbed armfuls of snacks to help cope with the stress and nervousness. When the vending machine inevitably ran out of snacks, all he could do was nervously move his arms and pick up random magazines strewn around the room.

After what felt like days, he was finally allowed back into the delivery room. Tears started streaming down his face when he saw you holding his newborn child. His booming laughter filled the room as he kissed you lovingly and picked up his baby boy. He started speaking to his boy in Russian, promising to protect him and give him a better childhood than the one he had.



 I kinda dislike how I used a lot of the same reactions, but there isn't much else to do when someone gives birth; ya know?

Hopefully this chapter makes up for my recent mistake tho lmao

AGAIN: I will stop taking Q/A questions tomorrow at 12am Pacific Standard Time! (1/8/20) IF I GET MORE THAN 10 TOTAL QUESTIONS, SHOULD I POST IT ON HERE OR ON MY ANNOUNCEMENTS? I don't know, y'all tell me!

Also this whole post is 1423 words! I'm proud!

If you have any requests, comment them down belowww! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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