Preference 43 :)

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I added a little bit of personal stuff down below, so I uploaded an amazing song up there ^ 😌 once you listen to this song, you will officially be absorbed into the Mexican community. Congratulations!


Hey y'all, it's been like 108382 years since I've updated! So sorry about that!

I've been having some issues lately, and I just haven't been feeling like myself. I've been talking it over with some friends and I'm slowly getting better :)

This happens every so often; so if I'm unable to post for a while, this is probably why lmao


Now that I've got the depressing personal stuff out of the way, this chapter is going to be fun!!

How the mercs react when you're on your period!! Yikes!

I got this request and I thought it was hilarious! Hope you guys enjoy!

WARNINGS: None teehee

When it's that time of the month, you and scout will always go on a jog or bike ride around the neighborhood. (Seriously though, some woman power through their cramps with exercise, and those woman are absolute GODDESS! Teach me your ways 😭)

If the jog doesn't work, Scout won't hesitate to warm up a heating pad, fetch a blanket and cuddle you until the pain goes away.


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Sniper has no idea how he's supposed to act. Should he be more gentle, should he act the same, should he even talk to you? You did scare him a bit when you started yelling about the lack of chocolates in the house.

He always turns ruby red when you casually mention your period, or anything remotely related. But he always makes sure you're comfortable and cared for during these days.

He's also the type of guy to give you natural remedies before medicine. You were surprised when peppermint oil actually helped with the cramps! (It seriously does help, I recommend peppermint oil)

Spy makes sure you are always comfortable and warm. He makes you tea and wraps you up in his fuzziest blankets. He always puts on relaxing music and cuddles you.

He also knows to keep an abundant amount of chocolates for you; because last time you ran out of chocolates, it did not end well for Spy.

He absolutely PAMPERS YOU!! He treats you like the queen you are! He makes sure you are hydrated, you are warm, you are comfortable and you are happy! He doesn't mind cuddling you or running to the store and buying you some lady products! He also makes you his famous "VERY AMERICAN SOUP", which makes you feel a lot better.


He also makes sure you're always safe, because according to him, " MENSTRUATING WOMEN ATTRACT BEARS!"

Engineer goes pink when you mention your period or anything. He won't freeze, but he'll definitely go red. But he always makes sure to wrap you up in a soft blanket, make you a nice hot drink and sets up your favorite movies!

Whenever he's working, he always makes sure to check in on you every hour or so. At night, he'll make you your favorite comfort foods and set you up with some medicine.

Pyro didn't really understand what was happening the first time you complained about your period. When you explained what was happening, he immediately ran for the phone and tried to dial 911.

After some convincing, he finally put down the phone and did whatever he could to make you feel better.

The first few months together, he would take all the items you accidentally stained and burned them. He would always replace them before you noticed though, so it was all good!

When you first complained about your period cramps, Demo said, "Aye, I'll drink to that."

All jokes aside, Demo usually just gives you whatever you ask for. You want some chocolates? Boom, done. You want some pain medication? Boom, done. Want some cuddles and a movie? Boom, done!

He does tease you much less during this time, because he never wants to get you mad during your period. Not again...

Medic will immediately send you to bed and give you medication, a heating pad, blankets and some snacks! He does anything and everything he can to help relive the uncomfortableness and pain!

Unfortunately, you still have to work during your period. You get much more aggressive during this time; Which is great for your team, not so great for the other team.

You always mow-down everyone in the enemy team, then go back in the base and chill with a warm cup of tea. The other men are honestly a little scared of you.

Heavy always fears you will act like one of his sisters during your period, but it hasn't happened.. yet. He tries his best to avoid conflicts with you and does anything he can to keep you in a good mood.

Heavy will make sandviches and other goodies for the both of you to eat (because we all know Heavy can't resist a good sandvich).


Actually after I wrote this I felt a lot better. I have no idea what's wrong with me lmao.

Mmmm I like this request but I feel like what I wrote is kinda repetitive. Oh well, I really need to post something-

This will flop because it's been like 17373 years since I posted but I love y'all 😔❤️

And I'm literally so tired rn! I'm too lazy to fix any mistakes so don't bully me 🥺

Requests are open! Get your butt and comment them down yonder! Hope you enjoyed the chapter ❤️😘

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