Preference 19 *PART 2* :)

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I JUST WANT TO START WITH A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NATHAN VETTERLEIN! He's the voice actor for Scout, and has a YouTube channel called 'Chili of destiny'! He did voice lines for one of my favorite Mercs, so I wish him a great birthday! Yayyyyy!~~~~~~~~...

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I JUST WANT TO START WITH A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NATHAN VETTERLEIN! He's the voice actor for Scout, and has a YouTube channel called 'Chili of destiny'! He did voice lines for one of my favorite Mercs, so I wish him a great birthday! Yayyyyy!
This is is opinion of you as friends and as a couple!!

Most of these include personality things (among other stuff), which I know might not apply to everyone. But please bear with me here :)

PART 2!:)))

Ngl... this is such a cute request lmaooo

WARNINGS: minor, minor cursing

As friends, scout thought you were a total badass. I mean- who else could beat him in foosball? With you, he always had such great times and laughs. And, it was a bonus that you loved baseball as much as he did!

When you started dating though, he still thought you were a badass. You literally beat someone up for harassing you. That's dope!

But seriously, when you guys were dating, he just thought you were perfect. You didn't mind his constant rambling, you dealt with his high energy levels, and you actually went to baseball games with him. He was so just so grateful to find someone as perfect as you.

When you were friends, sniper thought you were totally awesome. You didn't mind going on camping trips with him, or just relaxing with him anywhere. You enjoyed many similar things, from music, to hobbies, to movies.

When you two became an item though, he quickly realized that you were the Ying to his Yang. You were patient with him, you understood him, you completed him; and he'd go through hell and back to make sure it stays that way.

As friends, spy viewed you as a sneaky, untrustworthy companion... just like himself! You didn't ask too many questions about him, and he enjoyed that. Secrecy was an unspoken rule between you two.

But when you two got together, he thought the world of you. He doesn't like to admit this, but you bring out the best in him. He would give you the earth, moon and stars if he could, and it drives him crazy.

Soldier thought you were an exceptional companion, and believed you had the capability to punch as many Communist Bastards™ as you'd like!

When you got together though, he not only thought you were amazingly ravishing, but an amazing wrestling partner! Someone as competitive and determined as you definitely deserved a medal, and his heart!

Engineer thought you were an amazingly kind and thoughtful friend. You always seemed to put others first, and was always a helping hand to those in need. You'd often help him around his little shop, so he was always thankful for you.

When it became more than a friendship, engineer still thought that you were a wonderfully kind and amazing person, but he just focused on you more carefully. What I mean, is that he's much more aware of how truly beautiful and cute you are. He's also aware of your flaws, but they only make him love you more.

Pyro saw you as a best friend. You were just amazing in every way possible to him. He looked up to you, and often started little fires in your yard for you.

When it became more than friendship, pyro really started noticing how beautiful you were. To him, you were the prettiest thing he ever saw; and yes, much prettier than fire!

Demo thought you were a great drinking companion. You always had the best stories to share when drunk, and could hold your liquor surprisingly well. People often get nervous when the two of you enter a bar together, and he's glad he has that power with you.

When you became a couple though, demo loved how caring you are. You care about his health, and his drunken sobbing, and just demo in general. He really appreciates how much you care, and he often tells you, drunk or not.

As friends, medic loved how interesting you are. The two of you always told great stories about childhood and life with each other; so every meet-up was a joy.

When you got together, medic loved how well you counter him. When he got too crazy, you were his rock. When his spirits were down, you were there to lift them back up. He just loves how you balance each other out.

Heavy thought you were great company. You two enjoyed spending quite nights together, discussing whatever subject came to mind.

When it became more than friendship, he just loved your whole personality. You knew how to have a fun time, but also how to just relax with a good book. He loved how aggressive you can get, and how shy you can get too. He just loves you.

EEEE This one is trasshhhh!!!!

I felt like I didn't write what was really requested, because this was the only thing I could come up with!

Some of these probably don't even make sense but I still really enjoyed writing it, so hopefully you guys will like it too.

I'm so sorry if it strays from the original request, but this is just how I interpreted it.

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! ❤️

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