Preference 21 :)

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What he does to comfort you after a bad day!❤️

This request is 100% wholesome and I love it with all my heart

Also, I've been thinking about possibly starting a one of those 'Oneshot' books. But I also think it would be hard to regularly update both stories. What do you guys think? I also might start an Instagram account for this story and for memes/fanart.

Requested by NarratorMoonBlood !

WARNINGS: none❤️

Scout would do anything you wanted to get your mind off the terrible day you had. He'll sing, dance, cuddle, hell, he would even cook for you (although the only thing he knows is Mac' and Cheese).

He knows not to ask what happened until you feel better, and you appreciate that. After a while, he'll ask what happened and he'd would actually shut up for once and listen to you intently.

After you finally tell him, he'll hold you close and tell you stories; just to get you in a better mood. It usually works. :)

The lanky Australian knows a thing or two about rough days. He'll pull you on top of him and hold you. He knows that sometimes, you just need someone to hold you, so it's usually silent.

He'd wait until you're ready to share, and doesn't push your limits. Need to vent? He's there to lend an ear. Don't want to talk about it? He understands and holds you close.

If you tell him, he would sigh and hold you closer. He talks if it's needed, but if it's not he'd allow silence to fall over you, and play with you hair.

If you need help, he's glad to lend a hand; but if you need to work through things yourself, sniper totally understands. He just lets you decide what you need.

When you have a bad day, spy will pour both of you drinks, and lights two cigarettes. He'll sit you down and you two talk about it. If you don't want to talk, you would both drink and smoke in silence, reflecting over your lives.

Usually, the first thing he asks is, "Do I need to dispose of anyone?" It warms your heart to know he'd kill someone for you. Awww!

If the answer is yes, he asks for a name and place, and doesn't hesitate to go out and kill them. If not, he'll just shrug and ask if you want to talk.

If you open up, he'll be silent the whole time, only answering when needed. After the story, he'll slide you on his lap and hold you close. He'll ask if you were positive you didn't need anyone dead, and that'll usually bring your mood up.


After he calms down, he'll ask what happened to his gorgeous little cupcake. If you don't want to talk yet, he says he understands, and he'd tell you his favorite war stories to try and cheer you up.

If you do open up, he'll hold you close and listen intently. Once and while throughout your story, he'd jump up and get mad; but he'd apologize and sit back down.

No matter what you do though, he would bust out your favorite games and play until someone rage quits (usually him). But after that you two just cuddle; and that always lifts your spirits.

Engineer would most definitely cook up your favorite meal. During the meal, he'd ask if you wanted to talk about your day.

If you open up, he listens intently and would feed you pieces of food every once and a while. When you finish, he gives an appropriate reaction and let's you sit and cuddle on his lap.

If you don't want to talk, he respects your decision and starts telling you hilarious stories about the weird and crazy customers he's had over the years. He always knows how to make you happy. :)

Pyro would light a bonfire for you and sit with you. He doesn't say anything, and waits until you're comfortable enough to talk. If you talk about it, he gives you 100% of his undivided attention.

If you don't want to talk, he'll hug you until you feel better. But you always have to specify wether or not you need him to burn someone's house.

If you say yes, he'll gladly go to someone's home and light it on fire. If not, he'll settle for the fireplace at home. Both outcomes make you feel warm inside (and outside)!

Demo asks if you want to get drunk. If yes, you two will get absolutely wasted and end up drunkenly sobbing about your problems together. The next day you will both actually discus your problems together.

If you don't want to get drunk, then he'll stay sober the whole time, and ask if you need to talk. When you do, he lets you sit in his lap and speak totally uninterrupted. If you don't, he understands your choice and holds you close.

Sometimes, depending on how bad you feel, he'll tell you stories about himself and/or the Lech Ness monster, or put on a trashy Crime show. Sometimes though, he knows that people just need someone to comfort them in silence, and he does exactly that.

Medic will bust out your favorite sweets and sit down with you to talk. If you want to share, the doctor will give you his undivided attention until your finished.

When you're done, he'll lean you on his chest and comfort you. He'll tell you stories, or just play with your hair; both of which make you feel better.

If you don't want to share, he'll usually massage your back or anything you ask him to. That always relaxes you and calms you down.

Heavy holds you against his chest and asks you what's wrong. If you want to talk, he listens patiently and intently. When you finish, he waits a few seconds before asking if he needs to kill anyone.

If you say yes, heavy has no problem bringing Sasha to someone's house and having a little 'party'. If not, he asks if he could do anything else to help. You usually ask for a sandvich.

If you don't want to share, he respects your decision and let's silence fill the air. He still asks if he needs to kill anyone, and both answers get the same outcome.

Ohhhhh I like that ahahaha

Poorly written with too many uses of the same phrases and words- but I still enjoyed it 😂

I feel like I 100% over did it with "hold you close(r)" but I don't know what else to use 😂

Amazing request, 10/10 would write again.

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!❤️

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