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"Hey, Esme!" Alice greeted the brunette who was standing by the kitchen, reading a book. Alice walked over and gave her adoptive mother a hug. Jaser followed suite and Esme turned to Hazel. "Esme this is Hazel, Hazel this is my mother, Esme." Esme placed down her book on the marble countertop.

"Hello, Hazel. It's nice to meet you." Esme pulled Hazel in for a hug. Hazel noted that she too had rather cold skin.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Esme. You have a really beautiful home." Hazel couldn't help but complement it. It was true. Esme just waved the comment off with a smile.

"We should begin working on the backstory." Alice took Hazel's arm, yanking her over to the dining table. "But first, we should name this cutie." Alice wiggled her fingers at the robotic baby. It stayed silent, as it had been on sleep mode the entire trip.

"What about Marco?" Hazel muttered, gazing at the baby in her arms. "Little baby Marco."

That's a good name!" Alice cheered. She pulled out her notebook and opened it to the next page. She wrote 'Marco' on the top in neat handwriting. "Now we need to figure out everything else. How we met, the road of our relationship and the rest of our life together." Alice noted, also writing that underneath.

"That makes it sound so weird," Hazel commented. Alice laughed and nodded in agreement. "But, yeah, we should probably get started."

Alice offered to take Marco from Hazel so she could gather her things. Hazel agreed, and the two traded Hazel's bag for the baby. As Hazel quickly snatched out the items needed, Alice silently thanked whatever higher power there was their home didn't have air conditioning. She didn't need that kind of trouble for her siblings.

"I'm home!" All heads in the room turned to see Carlisle Cullen making his way up to the landing. Esme ran up to her husband and embraced him with a kiss. She subtlely gestured to the human in their midst. "Hello. I'm Carlisle Cullen. You're Alice's Home Economics partner I assume?" He greeted, turning Hazel's way.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Hazel slightly smiled at the man. You're correct. We have to look after this little one for two weeks." Hazel jabbed her thumb toward Alice and the electronic baby. 

"What are you two supposed to be working on again?" Esme inquired, walking over to the two girls with Carlisle following. She looked at the top of Alice's page. "Oh, you must figure out what happened before Marco came along." Esme smiled, grasping her hands together.

"What about a dance?" The four turned to see Emmett Cullen walking down from the floor above. Hazel could see his joking grin and the glint of humor in his eyes. "You locked eyes from across the room and it was love at first sight." He cackled and dramatically waved his arm in the air. Alice glared at her adopted brother and swung her free arm to hit him. "Jeez, sorry." He frowned and fell onto the couch.

"Hazel. What do you think?" Alice turned back to the girl with a kind grin. Hazel swallowed, feeling the intense gaze of the others on her.

"How about..." she pondered for a moment, "how about the first day of high school? We're fresh out of middle school and I don't know anyone. I've just moved to town from a completely different state. You make the choice of coming to talk to me, and then you show me where all my classes are?" Alice nodded eagerly.

"And then I invite you to lunch and you say yes," Alice continued. Hazel took Marco from her so she could write it down. "We get to talking more and eventually it becomes a daily routine of ours."

"By the end of the year, we've become best friends." Hazel couldn't hold back her smile as she talked with the girl. That's when she noticed Jasper had sat at the head of the table. We're inseparable. And then I confess." Alice stops writing and the two notice how quiet the room is.

"Really?" Alice tilted her head at the girl. However, she couldn't stop the buzzing inside her.

"Hold on," Hazel held up her free hand. "So... I confess, but you reject me. And then, the week right before school is out, there's a horrible car accident and I'm involved. I get rushed to the hospital, and no one is certain whether I live or die." Even with the sad look on her face, Alice couldn't but chuckle at Hazel's theatrics.

"Oh!" Alice suddenly began to write furiously, a thought coming to her. "I realize I rejected you because I didn't want to hurt our friendship, even though I feel the same way. It took me a stupid accident to realize it, so I get all sad and gloomy." Hazel nodded as her partner continued on. 

"But you come back to school on the first day back. Everyone's talking to you and surrounding you, but you just grin and ignore them. You use your crutches to walk over to me, and I know it's you immediately. I get to sign your cast first out of all our friends. And-" Alice stopped. Her smile faltered as her pen hovered over the page.

"And?" Hazel asked. She glanced at Jasper's hand as it covered Alice's protectively. The Cullen's didn't speak until Alice seemed to snap back to reality.

"And then I... Kiss you." Hazel noticed the unsure look on Alice's face. She stayed silent as the pale girl wrote it down. "Yeah. Now, time for the rest of our life together!" She practically yelled, regaining her happy attitude. At the sudden loud noise, Marco began to cry.

"Shoot," Hazel cursed. "I'll look after him you go on." Alice nodded at the girl as she picked up the robotic baby. "If we need to, we can work on it tomorrow."

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