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"You guys ready?" Hazel asked the two vampires, gripping Jasper's hand tightly. 

"Not really," Jasper gulped. Hazel ran her thumb across his cool skin, and he became slightly less tense, but still kept his pained face on.

"You've got this, Jas," Alice murmured. She stood o her tippy-toes and gave the honey blonde a peck on his cheek.

Hazel nodded in agreement. Her green eyes scanned the parking lot, landing on Bella Swan talking with a familiar boy she could remember was called Jacob Black. She recalled that he was Billy Black's son, who lived up at the La Push Reserve  where Christian lived. Jasper, noticing her lack of attention, tugged gently on her hand. She turned her gaze back to him questioningly.

"I asked if you would like to go in now?" Jasper repeated. Hazel nodded, sparing a glance back to Jacob once again before she followed Jasper and Alice.

A the trio lined up at the red carpet laid out before the entrance, Hazel couldn't help but gawk at the part that as raging inside the building. It was completely packed, but Hazel was able to spot several people she knew. Two of said people were Christian and Valentina, actively making out in a corner. Hazel cringed in disgust at the sight. She scanned the building some more and saw Minnie dancing with a girl Hazel didn't recognize.

"Hazel! Come on!" Alice tugged on the girl's hand. She pulled her to the front of the line in front of the camera that was set up.

Together, Alice, Jasper and Hazel posed for the camera. Jasper stood in the middle, his arms around the girls' waists. Alice snuggled into hi right side as Hazel leaned into his left. The camera man quickly snapped the photo and Alice quickly dragged Jasper and Hazel inside.

As f sensing the presence of the trio, Minnie came running up to them. She dragged her dancing partner/date behind her.

"Does this mean it's official?" She exclaimed. "Are you three officially and exclusively dating?" Hazel and Jasper shared a slightly terrified look at the intruding questions.

Hazel went to respond to her best friend, but Alice cut in. "Yes." Hazel turned to her wide-eyed. "This does mean we're dating, Minnie." Minnie squealed in delight.

"Who's the date, Mins?" Hazel decided to ask in an attempt to change the topic.

"Kassie Hemming," Minnie's date grinned, giving her a two-fingered salute. "Nice to meet you, guys. I'm Minnie' girlfriend." Hazel shot Minnie a suggestive look.

"Oh, shut up, Moone," Minnie glared with a blush spreading over her cheeks.

Hazel sighed in relief as she was finally able to take a seat. Jasper and Alice were still slow dancing to one of the last songs. Hazel watched as Alice spun around Jasper's lean frame. he smiled softly as she gazed at them.

"I guess the Cullens were too bad after all." Christian sat down beside Hazel at her table. "Not for you, at least." Hazel looked at the boy, finding it unnatural for him to be in such formal wear.

"Date ditch you already?" Hazel inquired, taking a sip from her cola and raising her eyebrow.

"Naw, her dad texted her and he picked her up a little while ago," Christian sighed. "She's got this strict curfew thing when stuff involves boys. Her dad doesn't even know we're dating, but I'm sure after this he'll find out quick."

"I'll pray for you," Hazel laughed. "But that sucks for you." She looked back to Alice and Jasper. "So, what are you going to do now?"

"Jut gonna chill," Christian shrugged, stealing Hazel's cola and taking a sip. "I'm probably going to go home soon, too, so I thought I should say bye to the few people who actually appreciate me" - he yelled the part to the party-goers inside - "before I go. What about you?"

"Right now I'm just giving my feet a rest after vigorous dancing," Hazel smiled at her best friend. "You came to me first, right?"


"You came and said goodbye to me first, right?" Hazel repeated, taking back her glass.

"Don't think you're so special, Haze," Christian lightly shoved her. Then he averted his gaze and stared intensely at the ground. "Yeah, I did."

"Called it," Hazel laughed. "But if you really are going to say goodbye, you had better get going, Chris." She jabbed her thumb at the door.

"Okay, mum," Christian rolled his brown eyes. "You and your blood-suckers can go back to having fun. I'll see you later, Haze. Bye."

Hazel gawked as Christian as he went back into the party. Did he know?

"Hazel!" Alice ran up and pulled the girl from her seat. She pulled her back over to Jasper. "Come on! Jut one more dance? And then we can go."

"Alice," Hazel sighed, "you said that five dances ago."

"I'm not sure Alice really knows what 'one more' really means," Jasper chuckled. Alice pouted at him. Hazel and Jasper kissed either side of her face and grabbed her hands.

They three began to dance one more time. Jasper twirled them around, and the girls spun around him themselves. They laughed each time Hazel stumbled, accidentally falling down on her backside. By the end of it, even Alice and Jasper were tired. The three climbed back into the car, laughing loudly.

Hazel, who had been worn out from the entire night, was too tired to head home. Instead, she fell asleep in the backseat, laying her head down on Alice's lap. Jasper turned off the radio, and Alice kept absolutely still as to not disturb the human's slumber.

When they got back to the Cullens', Jasper lifted her off Alice's lap. He walked inside, making sure to let his family members know they needed to keep things quiet. He placed her down on their couch, and Alice placed a soft blanket over her.

"Can I get my boots back at least?" Rosalie whispered, coming up beside Jasper with her arms crossed.

"No, shush," Alice glared. Rosalie rolled her eyes and headed out of the room.

Alice turned back to Hazel, grabbing Jasper's hand. She smiled at her sleeping frame, thinking about the first time they met. Jasper smiled too, loving the wave of love that radiated off Hazel and Alice.

"Good night, Hazel," Alice whispered, removing a curl from her face. "Sweet dreams."



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