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"–and once I said that he confessed to me right after!" Valentina Porter repeated the story for the third time that Hazel had heard. "Then he told me he wanted to take me to prom, so obviously I said yes!"

Hazel smiled at her new female friend in joy. Valentina was a curvy girl with dark skin. Her brown eyes were large and doe-like, with long lashes. The girl's hair was large and curly, with it reaching a little past her shoulders. Hazel had no doubt that if she straightened it, it would reach much lower.

Hazel and her group of friends were standing beside Victor's blue car. It was the end of the school day. Hazel had loved that she'd gotten to know Valentina more, and could easily identify why her best friend fancied her. She was easy to talk to and was a great listener. Sure, she had trouble conveying her emotions, but somehow it seemed to add to the girl's charm.

"You guys honestly make the most adorable couple!" Minnie gushed, an idiotic grin on her face. "I'm so jealous!"

"Mins, you say that about everyone's love life," Christian sighed. "Whatever, Valentina and I wanted to go to the movies this weekend. Valentina wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us?"

"Yes! Obviously, I'm going to want to go!" Minnie cheered.

"I'm in, too." Victor and Minnie high-fived on another.

"Hazel?" Valentina turned.to the girl with a kind smile.

"I wish I could go, you guys," Hazel frowned, "but I've got a date– I mean, I've got got go somewhere on Saturday, and on Sunday I have to take care of my brother. And next weekend, too." The rest of Hazel's friends groaned.

"Just cancel the one on Saturday!" Minnie shook her friend's arm violently. "It's the only time that it will be sunny!" Hazel shook her head at the group.

"I can't cancel, guys. I'm sorry." Christian groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Loser," Christian stuck out his tongue. "Well, whatever. We're going to have a totally awesome time without you." He grinned confidently.

"Just a quick question," Minnie began. She pulled her friend away from the rest of their group in hopes of some privacy. "May this outing be a date with one of the Cullens, perhaps? You've certainly become awfully close to them." Minnie winked, nudging her friend in the arm.

"Well..." Hazel couldn't hide anything from Minnie. She glanced back to Christian and lowered her voice. "Maybe it's not just one of the Cullens." Minnie gasped at her friend.

"You sly dog!" She whispered. "It's Alice and Jasper, isn't it?" Hazel nodded, and Minnie began to do a little dance. "I knew it! I knew something was up when I saw that kiss Alice gave you this morning."

"Mins, shush!" Hazel covered her friend's mouth and looked hastily around them. "You can not say anything to anyone. Got it?" Minnie nodded, and Hazel let the girl go. "Thank you."

"So," she nodded Hazel once more, "how long has it been going on?" The girl grinned mischievously and pulled Hazel even further from their friends' prying eyes.

"Not too long," Hazel flushed. "A couple of weeks ago we went on our first 'date', you could say. I really didn't want to say anything in case Christian got mad, or if any of you guys began judging me."

"Aw, Hazel," Minnie wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her tight. "If the others judged you, I wouldn't hesitate to kick them in the knees." Hazel laughed at Minnie's attempt at being tough. "And Christian would get a good kno–"

"What'd I get? Why?" Christian cut in, halting Minnie's sentence. He moved in between the two girls. "What are you two even talking about?"

"Nothing," Hazel lied, her voice raising a few notes higher. She sent a smile his way. "What are you guys doing?"

Christian gave her a look before letting out a sigh. "Valentina and I are going to the cafe near the hospital. Victor's going to head home and he wanted me to ask you if you wanted to ride with him?"

Hazel looked behind Christian to Victor, who was already eagerly watching the exchange. She smiled at him and turned back to Christian. "Sure. I'll go."

Christian looked back at Victor and nodded. The boy's face lit up and he immediately opened the passenger side door for the girl. She headed over, saying her goodbyes to the others. She went to climb in when a strong, cold hand grabbed her wrist.

"She'll come with us, actually."

Alice's voice was low in her ear. It sent shivers down the girl's spine and she could easily detect the threatening tone. Victor glared at the pale brunette with a look that could only be described as loathsome.

"Thanks for the offer though, Victor!" Alice's face turned to a large grin. She interlocked Hazel's pinky and dragged the girl behind her.

"What the hell was that all about?" Hazel inquired, feeling annoyed. Alice gave the confused look on Hazel's face one of pity.

"He likes you, Hazel," Alice sighed.

"I know. So?" Hazel rolled her eyes.

"He, um, he like you a little too much. Rosalie was keeping an eye on you with Jasper and the pair said they got bad vibes from him. Edward did us a favor and looked into his head, and I decided to track his decisions. I– it was not pretty, Hazel." Alice looked back to Hazel, and she could see the pain behind the amber color.

"What? What did you two see?" Alice refused to answer and continued to frag the girl to the Cullen cars.

"Not now, Hazel," she whispered. Jasper closed the distance and guided Hazel to his Jeep.

Hazel looked across the lot once she got in the vehicle. Victor's face was now twisted to one of absolute fury. His brows were furrowed, his mouth in a frown and his eyes glowering. Hazel only watched the boy as he got in his car and smacked the steering wheel while she drove away.

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