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A few days after Hazel had had dinner at the Cullen's, everyone seemed to become more accustomed to Bella and Edward being an item. Edward's family members were still a little on the fence - save for Rosalie, who completely disliked it. Hazel knew that Rosalie would come around. After all, she was a human and she happened to be dating two vampires.

"You okay?" Alice popped her head into Hazel's line of vision.

"Sorry, I kind of got sidetracked with my thoughts," Hazel chuckled awkwardly.

Hazel stood by the hedges at the front of the school. She was waiting for Minnie to turn up, as the pair had Biology together. She had been staring across the lot at a group of random kids, not paying attention to anything around her.

"That's okay," Alice smiled, "I was just going to ask if you wanted to come on a date with Jasper and I this Saturday?"

"Saturday? Isn't it going to be really sunny then?" Alice nodded. "I guess I should be free to go," Hazel answered.

"Great!" Alice pressed her cold lips to Hazel's cheek. "Make sure to put on sunscreen."

Hazel didn't speak. Alice furrowed her brows in confusion and peered at the girl's face. She could see the light flush on the girl's cheeks. Alice giggled at her and looked back at Jasper, who was already alert and watching them.

"The first romantic display of affection," Alice began, turning back to Hazel, "and you completely shut down on me. That's just adorable."

Hazel zoned back to Alice and gave her a startled look. "I-I wasn't expecting it, okay! I wasn't prepared!" She sputtered. "It-it caught me off guard!" Alice giggled once more.

Jasper came up behind the two, feeling the radiating embarrassment from Hazel. "I think it's best to leave her alone, Alice. Can't you see you've short-circuited her brain?" The honey blonde teased. Hazel pouted at him.

"Why do I have to be the one you pick on?" She huffed, flicking a curl from her eye. "It's because I'm the only one capable of physical human reactions, isn't it? Do you like seeing me flustered? That's so mean." She pouted even more if possible.

"Calm down, Hazel," Alice giggled. She wrapped her arms around Hazel's warm torso. "Oh, I almost forgot! After this weekend, were going to be playing baseball. There's a big storm coming, so it's perfect weather."

"Just make sure you dress warm," Jasper said, "we can't have you catching a cold."

"I'll mark it on my calendar," Hazel told the two. "But one of you better remember to pick me up. I don't want a repeat of-"


The school bell cut off Hazel's sentence. She huffed at the loud noise. Alice watched in amusement and laced her hand with Jasper's.

"Come on, Jas. We've got P.E," Alice smiled, already pulling the blonde with her. "Bye, Hazel!"

"Bye!" She looked once more to the parking lot with a sigh. Hazel turned on her heel and headed inside towards her AP English class.

"Hazel!" The girl's curly locks bounced as she turned back to see Christian running towards her. The large grin on his face was easily identified. "Hey, you. How are you?"

"Good?" Her answer came out more likes question as she looked her friend up and down. His happy aura was almost blinding. "What about you? What's got you so chipper on a Wednesday morning?"

"Just the fact that I found out who was 'stalking' me," he put quotations around the word. "Her name is Valentina Porter! She's a senior and so attractive." Hazel gave the boy a confused look. "She's the girl that I told you I've had a crush on since sixth grade."

"And you still like her?" Christian nodded. "Even after her creepy little note?"

"Well, it was more than one note, but yeah, it's all fine!" He replied. "She isn't good as expressing how she feels, but I thought it was an amazing effort on her part," he beamed.

"That's... Really great." Hazel nodded. The only word to describe Christian's current state was that of a five-year-old in love.

"Now I have my date for prom, so," he blew a happy raspberry at Hazel. "What about you? Do you have a date?"

The girl stayed silent and averted the boy's gaze. She had no idea if they even wanted to go to prom. They'd probably been to hundreds already. She would have to ask them at a later date. Instead, she gave Christian a shrug.

"Better get one before you're the only one that is alone," Christian smiled, pulling an Emmett as he swung his arm over Hazel's shoulder.

"I have to go to class, Christian," she groaned and pushed off his arm. "I don't want to be late again because of you."

"Okay, okay," Christian sighed and held up his arms in defeat. "I'll let you go, for now. But, at lunch, you're coming to meet Valentina, amiga."

"Will do, Chris," Hazel nodded with a laugh. "I guess I'll see you at lunch, then. Bye!"

"¡Adiós, Hazel!" Christian waved and turned around in the hallway.

Hazel watched him leave before sighing and rushing to her class. She made it in the door, just as the second bell went. And, much to her annoyance, Minnie was already there.

"You little shit!" Hazel huffed, giving her blonde friend a hard punch on the arm. "Have you seriously been here the entire time?"

"I was going to tell you, but, I mean, you were going to come here anyway so I didn't really see the point," Minnie shrugged. She tenderly rubbed her aching arm and glared at Hazel as the girl took her seat.

"That's just rude," Hazel huffed. "Next time you want me to go to class with you, I'm going to leave you. Maybe instead I'll just ditch. Leave you alone all by yourself with people you hate."

"Well," Minnie turned to her in her seat, "you're just one son of a bi-"

"Miss Holland?" The teacher raised an eyebrow at Minnie from the front of the room. "Something you'd like to share?"

Minnie shook her head, flushed with embarrassment. Hazel snickered at the girl, turning her attention back to the biology lesson. Under the table, Minnie kicked her shin.

"Bitch." She hissed. Hazel glanced at her, sending her a sweet and innocent smile.


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